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Sadly, i still don't know the answer to that myself. ??
.. And ready to mingle ?
Funny, because i honeslty don't think i will ever care. ??
You're not interesting. ?
Yessss. I love love love soccer. ⚽❤
Why did you ask me that anonymously ?
Kinda shows weakness ,lol. ?
I wanted the name salty because it describes my Bestfriend and I perfectly, we both add flavour to the world and yet we're both "salty" at times. If you don't find it to your favour, please note that we really could not care less. Lovely day bro/sis. ?
Kenya. ❤??
You can , but you may not. ??
Well ,you see I know quite a few ...
I don't have one. I vibe/w the whole Marvel series tho. ??
McAuley house
Haha. I guess you'll have to try to find out. ?
.. shouldn't matter to you. ?