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Sally c


Dilligaf. Xo

212 Replies

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

Rid the population of horrible people such as child molesters, rapist, mass murderers, ect

Sall.xo. replied 3273 days ago

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?


Sall.xo. replied 3290 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

Caring for someone who didn't give two shts about me

Sall.xo. replied 3293 days ago

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Loving someone and having someone love me and say my nephew was born

Sall.xo. replied 3327 days ago

A song you think is overated ?

Hotline bling. fcking hate it!

Sall.xo. replied 3342 days ago

How many doors do you have at your house?

This is the most veige question? like what? What do you mean? If it's how many doors/ entrances to get into my house it's 4 but if you include the fly wire doors it's 7 if it's how many doors are in my house including the fly wife doors it's 17 but that's not including cupboard doors? Or the oven door or microwave door?

Sall.xo. replied 3343 days ago 2

How many hearts do you think you have broken ?


Sall.xo. replied 3375 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

Bae <3

Sall.xo. replied 3397 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

Boyfriend, bed, cuddles, neck kisses, old Disney movies.

Sall.xo. replied 3410 days ago

Who do you look up to and why ?

My roof. Because it's the view from where I plan to spend my life

Sall.xo. replied 3415 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?

Eyes and teeth

Sall.xo. replied 3419 days ago

Who's your boyfriend

Who is this?

Sall.xo. replied 3419 days ago

What are you looking for in a boyfriend?

I already have an amazing one! <3

Sall.xo. replied 3421 days ago

Thoughts on tait?

I don't have thoughts? He's my ex that's all

Sall.xo. replied 3425 days ago

Describe your life in 3 words

Need more sleep

Sall.xo. replied 3444 days ago 2