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Alcohol n smokes -.-
2 hour exam tomorrow and I know nothing about what we've learnt because iv been to one class AHAHAHHAHAHA
Channing Tatum or Sunny Bill Williams ooooft
Smells like bo, doesn't clean themselves, rude around mates but all over you when not, up themselves, bad teeth, constantly asking for s e x and yeaaah
Succeeding in everything you want to succeed in
Yeah I wanna move back
I dont know ?
I love you n i miss you beautiful x
If I deserved it that bad, do you think id be here still living ? Eh no.
Everything's wrong with me
Serious ? Excuse me arnt you the one hiding on anonymous telling someone to kill themselves. What you can act all top **** on anonymous but what you won't be able to saying anything to my face aye. Grow up.
I love you ! This is ****ed never felt so ****ed up
They obviously to scared
I think that's too hard for them to understand
To little to late.
Go f u c k yourself.
I suppose his only tough when hiding behind anonymous.
Obviously they don't want to kill me they want to kill you ?
Mm cheers.
Goodluck, they won't give out info. They are nothing when they aren't behind a keyboard
I do wrong by everyone apparently
Seriously can you just go away ?
I don't have a request ?
Obviously I'm not if I'm wanted dead ?
I'll accept now
I have no one to tell..
Chins gon' down. N thanks
Your so pathetic.
It's getting to hard to live with the amount of crap I get. No one understands right now.
The person only wants me to kill myself. I guess they'll stop if I actually do.
Maybe I hate myself because I'm constantly being told I'm worthless, I should be dead, constantly being told to kill myself. Why should I do you a favor and just end my life n cause so much pain for my family. Your so pathetic it makes me sick. I get it you don't like me n you want me dead but telling me once is enough to constantly keep on doing it is absolutely ridiculous. I hate you so much for hurting me like this.
It started 4 days ago..
Barely living, it's killing me inside hey..
Personally, I don't think anyone could fix it! Aha
He is pretty amazing.
Why do you want me to kill myself so bad ? Is this all you care about being the reason someone's dead ? I couldn't do that to anyone the guilt would hurt so bad. How can you sit there n constantly tell me to kill myself ? You seem to be so obsessed with me killing myself, what about your life or do you not have one ? Look I really am sorry if iv ever done anything wrong by you, but can you stop ? You don't understand how much this is actually hurting me.
Sounds so painful, this person has problems
What a **** wish
I'm really not, but cheers
Sounds to painful though, I already said that.
No one ever leaves me alone. All they do is constantly hate.
Or what ? What are you going to do if I don't ? Low life.
What's your enjoyment out of telling me to kill myself ? How are you going to explain to my family that I killed myself because of you ? I know my family love me and they wouldn't want me to be dead. Stop this ****. Your pathetic.
No matter what you say , they are still going to tell me to kill myself but thankyou , it's good to know someone cares aye x
Yeah. Sammaddocks
Rather not say
I'm still alive. Soz
Necking myself sounds to painful any other suggestions ?
I don't have a rope
Where ? How ? When ?
I hate them for doing this to me. Guess what guys you's finally ****ed with me. I love you Tina x
I know, sad... Isn't it ?
I know, tell me something I don't know
Would it make you happy if I did kill myself or would the guilt actually catch up to you an you feel guilty because you made someone end their lives because you didnt like them?
It's okay, I'm going to start loosing weight. I'll become skinny soon. Just wait and watch!
I do it too everyone. Sorry that I have so much going through my head that I can't take the time too stop trying to sort my life out to inbox you.
Liam Jordison ?
Um ? Ok ?
Ya man
I love you too and I'm trying not to baby girl ❤️
I know and I'm trying not too, it's pathetic how someone could sit there and do that to someone else. Thankyou x
It's not your air, I was put on this earth for a reason not for some pathetic person to message me on anon telling me to kill myself.
No I shouldn't.
It's just low that they can sit there and tell someone to kill themselves, even if I have stuffed up a few times they still shouldn't be saying that to someone that is already so fragile and hurt.
Andre n Jake ?
Thankyou :*
I'm not going to kill myself, so give up. You's don't care about me ? Well why on earth are you waisting your time on me?
Mm, not saying
They are nothing but keyboard worriors and you know what they put people down because they are unsure about themselves and they don't like anything about them, they think doing this to other people to get to them is going to make them feel better about themselves. At the end of the day they mean nothing to us an their little comments mean nothing to us either. Love you too Shay
Aw thankyou
Obviously not you ? Hahaha
My cat use to be really aggressive with me :(
Yes, you are pathetic. Saying someone should be dead ? You low life s***.
No you are anonymous
Am I as fake as barbie ? Please tell me I am !
I love you Shay, it's just a stupid anonymous person.. They are pathetic. So many people out there are loosing their lives and pathetic people like that person are living they should be 6 feet under not the beautiful people dying.
Sorry, I am far from a s.l.u.t
Why would I do such a thing ? Because someone on that has to hide on anonymous tells me too ? I'm clearly not going to listen to you because your that pathetic you have to hide behind anon.
Tell me something I don't know
Whatever you say.
Your so pathetic.