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Vra wat jy wil, sê wat jy wil

127 Replies

Samantha hou op eet?❤️❤️ monisha.s

Jammer hoooor ?

Samantha_swane replied 2560 days ago

What is the biggest way people waste money?

Alcohol ✔️

Samantha_swane replied 2564 days ago

Beste vriendin?

Ek en Cami is iets ?

Samantha_swane replied 2564 days ago

What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?

Breaking hearts ✨

Samantha_swane replied 2570 days ago

Pasop jys n bedreigde spesie iemand gaan jou kom uit rooi .

Wtf ?

Samantha_swane replied 2572 days ago

What is your number one rule?

Keep it real.

Samantha_swane replied 2574 days ago 1

What should be free, but isn't?

Clotheeessss ?

Samantha_swane replied 2579 days ago 1

Wat is jou grootste vrees

Dat McDonalds toe maak ?

Samantha_swane replied 2581 days ago 1

If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?

Idk ??

Samantha_swane replied 2582 days ago

Eks so bly jy dink dis jaloesie skat want eks is alles behalwe jaloers op so fake ding soos jy.

Girl jys ñ fan ?

Samantha_swane replied 2614 days ago


Jealousy makes you nasty ?

Samantha_swane replied 2615 days ago

The secret to a good friendship is... ?

Loyalty ?

Samantha_swane replied 2620 days ago

Samantha, jy is sulke goeie mens, ek het net soveel liefde vir jou❤ Jy is 1 van die vriendinne wat ek nooit wil verloor nie, tot die einde.. Mis juw eindeloos, hoop juw toekoms is wonderlik nes jy??Love you babyyyyy !! ?

Awh dankie ❤mis jou seker ook ? DM my ?

Samantha_swane replied 2621 days ago

What do you never plan on doing?

Giving up on God ?

Samantha_swane replied 2623 days ago

Hiii Samantha wil net Sê God stap n pad saam jou en elke tree saam jou en jou broer❤

Dankie vir die mooí boodskap ❤ waars jou naam tho ? God is met jou ook ? Dm my asb ?

Samantha_swane replied 2623 days ago