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First thing's first, sort your keypad out bro :/ Coming back to your Q, yes, I am! since it's exactly what was destined.. & what was destined for me is/will def be what's best for me (:
A's? Alhumdulillah 4 (:
Aha aha :D yes she is, can only be, one&Only.. Zahrawrtore21♡ and I heart her beeery much :p Unforgettable indeed ♥
Whenever you're ready :$ 8o I don't know mehn..
Yo bro, looks like a case of memory loss :/ do you not know who you are? 8o
Lol! I've no idea..
I guess the accent from my hometown never left me :)
Very observant, I must say! Uhmmm I don't know. I guess it's a habit that I've unintentionally formed over the years..
Aha. Originally from Springs, Johannesburg♡
Why Thank You for that but honestly, I aint brainy.. Well, not really brainy X_x
Very, like very very seldom..
Idk.. Maybe education..
Most definitely :D You see, I'm a Kathrada after all :$
Concealers -_-
1.55 I'm short, I know :$
Jeans ♡ :D I'd prefer jeans :x I like cargo pants and three quarters too "̮ but just not as much
Nope, not @ the moment..
Lol! No way mehn. Sameera Severus Kathrada :$ well, now changed to Salvatore Kathrada. ♥
Aha ;;) correction, 2 ½ & 3 .. ;$ Yeah x_x
Why Thank You, anonymous :$
Tea. Brewed Tea :D
I don't know. Maybe you should check them out yourself and in that way you'll get your answer...
That's just... Wrong!
Change that to past tense :) With each chapter closed, a new one opens "̮
:$ I've learnt from the best.. Which is none other than our pretty Miss Z ;;)
I honestly think I'd end up writing a novel if I do that x_x no, I'm not being all egotistical. It's just that uhmmm it's complicated. Rather get to know me on your own. I'm sure that'd be much easier :)
I have no idea. But kindly leave your details behind so that I may forward my wedding invitation to you. In that way you would not only know the date, but the venue, time, groom and groom's parents as well "̮
What's the point? I'll reject your call anyway "̮
Even if I knew who you are, No!
Duh Salvatore ♡ And not just any Salvatore, DAMON Salvatore!! ♥
LOL no! Tnx for the suggestion & compliment though
Exactly where I'm supposed to be :)
Uhmm it depends on my mood and the weather..
You ;;) I'm kidding 8o it's my future Husband :D
It's only the special people in my life that get to see me. Become one of them and you'd be sure to check me out :p
57 seconds :/
Uhmmm let's see.. That pretty one? The one who has stunning eyes and sneeuWit hands? The one who's super caring and gives the word "love" meaning? The girl who is a reason for many people living and smiling? Yes she is, she definitely is... My ZAHRAAAA :D ♡