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Samantha Irving


944 Replies

What do you wish had never happened to you?

Making poor choices in being friends with certain people, knowing certain people and dating certain people.

Samm.1902 replied 2477 days ago

How much money do you need right now and why ?

About 600,000.
So we can't buy a house and not pay a mortgage, a new car each with insurance and furnish the house nicely.

Samm.1902 replied 2481 days ago

What quote do you live by?

Don't let people live in your head rent free.

Samm.1902 replied 2504 days ago

What needs to stop ?

All this war bullsht, all this terrorism, all the blaming and shaming, all the disloyalty.
There's more I could say bit cbc wasting my time.

Samm.1902 replied 2509 days ago 1

Ur a pice of shiit

Mmm think again mate.

Samm.1902 replied 2512 days ago

What type of people annoy you the most?

All of them.

Samm.1902 replied 2515 days ago

What's up buttercup?

Nothing much, yourself?

Samm.1902 replied 2517 days ago

What is the one thing you do just to annoy other people?

Ignore them, or as I do with jamie, lick his face.

Samm.1902 replied 2528 days ago

What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?

I'm not afraid to admit this, but I don't understand why people think they can control others.

Samm.1902 replied 2533 days ago

What makes you genuinely happy?

My fiancè, my family and his family. ?

Samm.1902 replied 2550 days ago

What is the biggest way people waste money?

On unnessecary things.

Samm.1902 replied 2552 days ago

And a cat ???

Yep lol. Her name is Bean.

Samm.1902 replied 2556 days ago

But it's not like you stayed in contact with them either?

Yes, I know that. I tried but gave up and look what happened, no one messaged me, but I'm not mad, because I have great friends now, a wonderful fiancè, a happy house and a cat.

Samm.1902 replied 2556 days ago

Why did you leave everyone behind?

Well, I didn't leave them, I simply moved to Melbourne to be with my now fiancè and start a life together.
You know, that's how things work, I grew up, and because I moved we all lost contact and I'd still say hi and ask them how they are doing, I don't see the point in being rude.

Samm.1902 replied 2556 days ago

Then who are you friends with from bendigo?

Jesus, are you like sitting on my profile or something? Lol.
And not any people I guess.
I have my best mate and that's Kayne, Jaime, Steph, James and maybe a few others. But tbh, quality not quantity. Those who I left behind, gave me a reason to do so.

Samm.1902 replied 2556 days ago 1