Emma Parfray is older that's cool
Good spelling
Do you consider yourself nice or mean
Who is good at cricket in ur class 8e
James and Frank. Pretty obvious
I know someone who likes you
Absolulute lad. Attractive and nice as :)
Top 10 best looking girls year 8?
Frank and james
Hailee isn't even jealous she doesn't even like him!
Hailee is jelly of Emma
thoughts on emma parf
Best bloke out love ya man
Your biggest wish ?
What do you miss about your childhood?
Still going?!
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
Don't pick on me James!
thoughts on piper cole and ashley rowsell
Pre nice blokes and I like your names! Shattered about last night :)
You and tamsyn are really cute :)
Do you think that Bailey and Tamsyn are flirts
They are like brother and sister man! :)
Anon your a downer and your plain rude grow some balls and say it to his face why don't ya tamsyn.
Thanks man x
Get some friends you ******* downer
Thanks bæ
What is your biggest fear?
Thoughts on ya best girl mate
I saw what someone just said cause I have you tagged. But I really don't care if there going out I'm happy for them actually. I wouldn't waist my time writing stuff to Sam Britneyash
On ya mate
That's probably Britney saying all that **** about you and her! She's probably jealous now you have a new girlfriend
When? :)
What are you addicted to?
A lot braz!
If I was a girl I would Date you xx
Thanks jack xx
Don't wanna bring up bad memories or what ???
Haha jks
What about Britney ash
How many girlfriends have u had
How many girlfriends have you had in your life and who was your fav
Y don't u answer all your questions
Sorry that I don't spend all my life on qooh me
R u dumping tamsin
Tamsyn* and no
I think you should dump Tamsyn n go out with her stomp faced of a brother Jacob
Haha :)
What's 9 10 21 lololol
How are ya mate
Not to shabby
Thoughts on Olivia?
She's a lad!
Thoughts in Tamsyn
She's a lad!
Thoughts on Maddie rysik
Don't really know ya that well but seen ya round
Who do you like
No who do you like
sam come to the hc graduation with me piper & ash! AlexDyer
Yeah rightio
Good mate, real funny and haven't seen ya in ages either
Thoughts on Ash Cole?
Really nice, good mate and I haven't seen ya in ages
Babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
G'day mate
That was good hahahah tamsyn.
I thought we where friends tamsyn.
Since when ;)
Umm excuse me that was very uncool and I'm very unhappy with you you ruined my heart tamsyn.
Fav year 7 girl at SHC ?
You do like someone ***
Naa mate
You do like so,e one don't lie
The most expensive item you own?
My doormat
It's cute who you like
I know who you like someone told meeee
Sam's not gay you jealous f.uck so keep your ****ed up opinions to yourself.
Thanks mate
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
Shower ;)
Who do u like ??
Kik me mabe
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Do you like Brussel sprouts
Most annoying people in your japanese class?
Piper Rowsell and Sean tucker
Do I know you? Seriously stop asking me these questions. Ily xx
Highest flappy bird score
Oh my god look at your butt
My anaconda don't
R u going to the show
What show
Do you watch big brother
What's so good about lyf
Not much
Chocolate or vanilla
What phone do you have
Blondes or brunettes
You're hot what's your insta
Best friend
Seb jack and frank