your actually a nice person compared to what some of my friends think
thankyou haha
jhi s*cks go out with me
no thnx
Hottest/best looking guy you've ever hooked up with?
probs my boyfriend? lol good question xxx
has bonnie ever hooked up?
what you asking me for fool?
So if you could do anything in the world right now, besides a backflip, what would it be? (Correct answer is a double backflip)
just one backflip thanx
So on a scale of 1-cool, how 10 are you?
pretty much a 20 but thats a rough estimate
I never asked for nudes, just a pic of you in a bra ;)
dont think so
Prove it snapchat me ;) dylan_123451
i only send nudes if your names bonnie sozza
No srs what's your legit bra size
24 H
900 prettiest girls you know? please answer :) :)
you 900 time bby
a few people you want to get closer with? X
does that mean i have to have friends
Tips for me to approach my spunk of a fantasy crush?????????!!!! ps this is NOT bonnie lol
walk straight up to him and flash him ya tithes works likka charm
5 top best friends?
i told you i dont have friends
I think that I love you?¿?? Is that okay ???
possibly not
let's be besties???????????????????? Yay nay???!! I need an answer ASAP spot won't be available for long
dunno what a bestie is but that sounds bad
you're minty fresh homi g
thoughts on every single person in this entire universe ?? Plz answer in detail
can't they all just be like bonnie? yes ploise
complete this sentence
hello world this is meeee life should be mm mm yeah _____ for everyone
crap for bonnie
but you have me hehe
i dont associate with people, no
what colour undies are you wearing lol oops just curious hunni xox
you shouldnt need to ask babe
I think ur rad what do u think of me
Would you send nudes? :* don't answer if you would ;) jk I know you won't
only to bonnie xD
im your friend hehe
i dont have friends
You would of been able to see what colour it was though lol
i cant remember who was hooking up it wasnt just one chick and one guy i saw a few so i dunno who plus whats the big deal lol.
What colour dress was the girl wearing? That you saw hook up at Bonnie's?
i dont know im not studying them lol
what does the tag say?
ask me questions on qoohme?
Anything you want at the moment?
to get away from everyone
If you could change anything in the last few months, what would they be?
nothing. everything happens for a reason
where's your grey/white jumper from? The one with like little ball patten thing from?
from a little shop in noosa cant remember the name though x
becky hughes misses you alot, shes thinking about having some mad sleepovers with you. what are your thoughts on this?
i dunno im not a big fan of hanging out with her
Did anyone hook up at Bonnie's if so who?
yeah haha i dunno who they were
thoughts on cullen m?
dont really have any thoughts on him
break up with your boyf
how bout no
i shall not name names lol oops
best guy friends?
rohan, josh.H, lachie.f, connor.c, arron
a few girls from billanook you want to be closer with?
mmm not really any haha
Someone you miss being close with ?
a couple people
Most attractive girls in your year
bonnie, ash,eb,cait,sophie.A,chelsea.A,emily, taree, both megans
someone you can always count on?
Who do you think looked the best at social?
probably sophie ashton! she looked amazing!
Answer properly
to what question
mm you look kool
thanks man
your cute hehe
thanks mate
Closest friends outside of school?
mmmm probs ryl dog
best person(s) in your life?
no one lol
i kid i kid
I think I love you?¿
pls bck off 2 friends is enough for me
Let's be besties
if ya lucky
recommend me a good bffl plz
me lol jk dont want friends please back off
someone you miss?
theres a couple people
Let's get it oooonnnnnn
mmm soz maybe not
apples or oranges ?
coconuts whoops
mmm gurl u mighty fine
yeah bby g
10 bffls ????
and couple more
omg date mi
omg pls omg omg
Your hot
same goes weirdo
Favourite year 7s
mm dont really know many but probably adam cartledge
hope you feel better sammi :)
Thankyou <3
You know sammi, your actully so beautiful, like i know you would be thinking pfft yeah whatever like every girl does but your just stunning! You have the perfect everything! Dont lets that haters take you down fight them! <3
Thankyou, means a lot
How drunk did you get at Jhi's and Billy's Party??
I didn't
Thankyou! :) <3
All the boys want you sammi! You know that right ? xx
Pfft I wish
Sammi, seriously, your actually amazingly pretty, ITS NOT FAIR !! GIVE ME YOUR BODY. :(
Have it hahha
Why cant i be as prettyyy as youu :( its annoying !!!
Your cute.
Sammi. you know your actually perfect right ?
There is no such thing
Prettiest girl in yr 7??
Sarah has*an
kayla sinclair....at school
I don't really know her haha
What are your honest thoughts on Kayla?
I know a lot of Kayla's
Paige.R or Paige.K??
I don't know :O they are both so gorgeous and so nice!
Top 10 girl bestfriends then ? LOL
Lol no.
10 guy bestfriends?
I dunno I have heaps
Top 5 prettiest girls in year 8
your gorgeous!
Haha no but Thankyou:)
Your so pretty:)
Oh please inbox or text me
who did you got o zoo with?
Closer with em or ryley brown ?
Iv known ryley longer but probably em
You are perfection
No. I am no where near it.
What are your thoughts on Cullen ?
Go away!
you are amazing, so pretty!
Why do you hook up with Cullen at every party? Do u even like him?
Iv hooked up with Cullen once I'm pretty sure that's not at every party. And I like him as a friend get that in your heads for god sakes.
Top 5 bestfriends?
Go away seriously I have like 5 messages asking who my bestfriends are. Why does it matter? If I talk to you and we get along and we are happy together why does it matter who my bestfriends are? Stop asking me because its seriously getting annoying.
why do you think kara and bonnie wont ditch you?
Because they are to nice to do that
3 best looking guys in year 8?
Umm mitch Connor lachie
Top three best bods in year? Girls and boys
In year what?
honest thoughts on
Sophia: really nice and pretty
Paige: gorgeous inside an out
Hannah: so funny and she's just amazing
Billanook besties?
I have a lot
Kara and Bonnie will end up ditching you, they ditch everyone when they get bored.
Well obviously you got boring
Closer with bon or kara???
To hard to say
Prefer being called Sam or sammi
Who makes you smile when your down ?
Kye Ebert
honest Thoughts on Lucy?
She's so gorgeous and nicest girl I know!
Closer with Hannah or Lucy ?