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Sam nutt


spam me :* <3

834 Replies

thoughts on little madison?

She loves feet with a passion. Really funny, qt, and I think you're going to kill people sometimes (':

Samnutt replied 3871 days ago

HTS? Caironc

Youre ripped, you're funny, and I'm pretty sure I make you mad a lot (': can't wait for football

Samnutt replied 3871 days ago 1

Who wants to sleep with you?

Idk? It was anon

Samnutt replied 3895 days ago

Wanna sleep with me


Samnutt replied 3895 days ago

houseleague or competitive baseball this year?


Samnutt replied 3895 days ago

No country sam!!;)

Coontry* (':

Samnutt replied 3919 days ago

Hts on emma c

Emma! Really pretty and funny. We haven't hungout in forever :( text more

Samnutt replied 3919 days ago

Country not coontry;)

Coontry Sara!

Samnutt replied 3919 days ago

What bores you about people ?

Lack of creativity

Samnutt replied 3939 days ago

How do u luv someone so quick?


Samnutt replied 3940 days ago

You have tumblr?


Samnutt replied 3940 days ago

hts? <3 vale.carrillo

Vale!!!!!<3 you're my favorite, you always make me laugh, you put up with a lot of my **** lol, and you've helped me a lot. You're beautiful and amazing! You're my bestfriend<3

Samnutt replied 3941 days ago 1

Sam watch out with the people you get attach to. You're one of my closest friends and I don't want you to get hurt or see you upset<3 I LOVE YOU A LOT.

Thank you<3 I'm careful dw

Samnutt replied 3941 days ago

Your father's name?


Samnutt replied 3942 days ago

If u got to do anything right now what would it be

Idk a lot of stuff

Samnutt replied 3944 days ago