To the ladies: your type of guy?
One that doesn't lie..
Who did you last date
Would rather not say
How do you feel about me?
Inbox me
What's your current mood?
Bored. In-between moods right now.
What did you have for dinner
Your body is mint as
Haha thankyou
It's been so long since I've seen you.
Inbox me :)
What's your snapchat?
You're looking good
Well thanks.
Your so. Beautiful
Thankyou. Who is this?
What's your qoohme????
Is that a trick question..
I wish you were mine.
Awh inbox me
What's your favourite colour
Favourite year 8's?
There's a few: Chelsea, Charlie, Kate, Rhys, jazz
Where were you born
Uhm a hospital
What's your snapchat name
What do you think about the most?
Past, present, future.
You are incredibly pretty
Awh thanks. Who's this
Ask me something ?
Who's this?
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
I have no idea
Amongst people you know ,who has the most annoying laugh?
Someone that I can't name
Why do you have to have your boo*s out in every photo?
I don't ..