Sarah Marshall
Other than crunchie, what are 3 other metaphors you think could be used to describe you?
Goodness me. Smiley box. That can be three
If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could take 1 friend, 2 celebrities, 1 president, 1 notorious criminal and 3 different species of animal what would you take?
Oh hmm. Mcgyver, Audrey Hepburn. Abe Lincoln. Jesse James. Cat, dog and otter. I have no friends.
Do you prefer 'smiley', 'smiley box' or 'crunchie'?
Crunchie smiley box?
Was garfield your favourite cartoon growing up?
It was one of my favorites for sure. But uh Totally Spies was awesome..
If you had to pick between either cats being extinct or midgets being extinct what one would you pick
Why. Why would you do this to me? This is horrible. I'm sorry kittykats, but I can't let midgets die
Come tickle my weenis. I like my weenis being tickled.
My sausage is immaculate. Do you want to eat it? I'm a fantastic cook.
Oops, sent that twice. Eat my sausage.
Hmm. I'm a vegetarian.
Ill fight you. Ill fight you long and hard. I will come out victorious and you will be crushed because you lost.
You cannot beat me.
Ill fight this guy for stealing my woman.
Ha. You will get you b*m kicked.
Now I'm asking if you are single and if you wanna be my friend with benefits.
The spelling, grammar and punctuation in this question is immaculate. Of course!
Ahhhh but I have!!!
No, no you haven't.
I know you love me... You know you love me... Lets make some magic...
You haven't even bought me dinner yet.
If I werent as se*y and funny and awesome as I am now, would you still love me???
Who's to say I love you now?
Thats convenient isnt it?? I still think you should get it. Would be super hawt
Now that I remember, you would never see it, so I shan't get it.
Remember the tattoo you were gonna get in my honor?
Probably for a good reason, no.
Its because you are heartless and dont understand what is funny in life. Wanna be the Annastasia Steele to my Christian Grey??
No I do not. I'm surprised you know who those characters are, didn't know you could read. And I'm hilarious.
You bring the smash, Ill bring the bang... Lets smang it giiiiirl
I never understood how this was funny.
Im glad you aint single girl, Id prefer two of you any day ;)
I don't understand. Mathematics wasn't my strong point in school.
I know right?! Your as*. I like that. Straight ghetto b**ty gurl.
If my mother sees this, you will be beaten to a pulp.
friends wid benifits??
No thank you.
I tolerate you <3 If I was stuck with you and we were the last people on earth I think Id last at least a day before killing myself, I mean that in a good way of course
This is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me.
Cats s*ck! unless they have Asian eyes like Alexa's
I will fight you.
No one dislikes you! Everyone loves you!
Thank you! (: this made me smile!
r u single?? lol
Yes. I have commitment issues.
you seem to get lots of cat hate on here :/ cats are cool
I agree with you! Cats are the best. People just have a bad cattitude towards cats.
when you grow up and own (literally) truckloads of cats, how many of them will you name after me?
Tell me your name and I will name 53 after you.
is meth one hell of a drug
I have heard it is pretty gruesome.
Cats are stoopid. I wish they didnt exist. I think they are the s*** of the earth. I have serious respect for the chinese restaurants that eat cats, they are doing the world a favor.
Cool story bro.
If '3 match sticks, roll on deoderant and a door hinge' is the answer, then what is the question?
I googled this.. Still don't know what the question is aha
I don't know why people dislike you , you are pretty funny and are easy to get a long with a really really cool chick
That was unexpected! Thank you! That's really lovely of you (:
When is one cat one cat too many?
Never. Cats are so majestic that if they choose you to be their human, you are honoured.
You have a very high-fiveable face. i don't mean that as in i want to slap you in the face, i mean that as in every time i see you i feel like giving you a high five. thought i'd just stop in and say that
I want to high five you in the face too.
Best looking guy in our year with an American accent and blonde hair?
Does it bother you that your bestie is much much much cooler than you...?
Mali isn't cool at all. Alex is a lot cooler than I am. Nellie is pretty cool too. But Kyle, well Kyle is just lame.
hanging out with you is always enjoyable, you can never stop smiling and always making jokes about everything and everyone. I couldn't imagine anyone or any group that would try and exclude you, if that happened, I hope they realise before its too late.
This just made my day (: I wish I knew who this was! Message me so I can thank you!
you werent meant to say my name diick ;)
i once saw a mouse being swallowed in a house fire, why don't horses wear boots?
They love their shoes too much. I'm sorry to hear about that mouse, you'll get through it.
hows brett ?
You still scared of me Devon?
hows cohnyn ?
Hola Devon.
sarah rememeber how i use to come to your house every monday and we'd go to serenas !! your so cute i miss you
And how we ran to her house that one time!!! We thought we were so fit! I miss you too :( you babe!
Marry me.
When and where?
Do u like Brett?
He's a lovely guy and fun to hang out with but no, I don't like anyone at this point in time.
Who you gunna call?
You are amazing and I love and adore you :) see you tomorrow
Aw! I love you too! :)
Kyle. Nellie. Kimre. you know what to do
Hahahahaha. Move to Utah and marry all of them!
you are all ways so nice. how??
Thanks! Haha I'm really not.. Ask Kyle!
Why are you so lame? You make lame people look not lame. You are a short fat gorilla. I cant believe you dont find me really funny and really really ridiculously good looking. Everyone else does.
Churr bro.
Why don't you like being an armrest for tall people?
I have higher aspirations.. Jk nah it's fine
is your cat more like a majestic lion, or a graceful tiger?
Majestic lion for sure!
Can you b**ty pop?
Only in my dreams,