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Sarah Single


New Year, Same old me so ask me questions!

190 Replies

Who do you share most of your secrets with?

My best friends. :)

SarahSingle replied 3874 days ago

Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

Um well I don't have one and some times i don't trust myself so....awkward..

SarahSingle replied 3881 days ago

What would you like to ask God?

What can I do that would make you proud?

SarahSingle replied 3882 days ago

your last name is single so it would be a bit weird if you weren't single anyway.

No it wouldn't be weird at all. What would be weird is if my last name was married. :P

SarahSingle replied 3884 days ago

I don't get it. You are an amazing person, do a great job at sound, look stunning, have a fantastic personality, and yet....... You are single ?

Um thanks. :) It's pretty much been my choice to be single up to this point in my life. Sure I've had crushes on guys lol but I wasn't ready to be in any sort of a relationship.

SarahSingle replied 3884 days ago

How much is currently in your bank account?

$2.58 0.o

SarahSingle replied 3889 days ago

How long did your last call last?

Idk as I don't get many phone calls but my last Skype call lasted 47 minutes haha

SarahSingle replied 3909 days ago

Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?

I have no valid reason to dislike any foreign country because I have not traveled enough to make a decision based on my own experience.

SarahSingle replied 3910 days ago

Plans for 2014?

Start university, get a job, go to Auckland and hopefully eith england or fiji at the end of the year! :D

SarahSingle replied 3914 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Looks for intelligence because I can make myself look nice in other ways ;)

SarahSingle replied 3921 days ago

You are so so beautiful!

Why thank you kind stranger. Although I don't know who you are I'm sure you are a beautiful person too :)

SarahSingle replied 3926 days ago

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

Are you happy?

SarahSingle replied 3928 days ago

What are you wearing right now?

Clothes for moving my grandparents stuff into their new house.

SarahSingle replied 3931 days ago

Is it that guy you liked?

Haha no it's not a guy :)

SarahSingle replied 3932 days ago

I know who that is \/

And who do you think that is?

SarahSingle replied 3934 days ago