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Use my body as a bowling ball at palasad duh
Woah whos dis
I dont got no fraaands!
Yeah umm... Tristan Clark and Mitch Brown? That's a bit obvious.
Oh god that was forever ago... Thanks! :)
hahahahahahah oh man :') brings up memories... let's leave it at that
Thank you :) he certainly does!
;) You know it Trist. Many balls in fact! ;p
I'm glad this is amusing to someone ;p
I'm not shallow, that's not why I asked him to message me. The size of Tristan's Dic* is not information to disclose to the interwebs.
I'm not a slu* :) Just hoping to give some guidance to the mentally disturbed.
Haha ok, take your time :p
You shouldn't be, I'm a pretty chill person :p
Chaat mee?
Wow, thanks that means a lot <3 Although you should probably try to keep your boner comments to yourself ;P
My brother (:
Yeeeaah, I'm thinkin a mace ;P
What's mace? :p
His last "question" sounded super rapey :$
My friend and I have nicknames for eachother, I'm arki :P You will never get time with me, you're a disrespectful twat (:
I know :$ I'm a little concerned.
Who the hell are you? :P
I\'ve never been \"tityf***ed\". Uuuuhhh v*****l?
Where do you get the pictures from is what I wanna know...
Oow! I'm gonna smack your face
Speak for yourself :*
Haha! You're a f***ing clas* act!
Oh I am;)
Hahaha, that's epic! I love all you guys so much :') Is this Kyle?
Man, sounds glorious. Me awkwardly sitting there. You staring at my chest. Greeeat, story of my life with all guys.
I can't remember the name of it D: Was this our exam? Like Father Like Son? That's the only one I remember :P We had ridiculous pick up lines in like every script!
:O :O this is totally from a drama script!!!!!!
No, you're just an as*hole and it's a personal invasion of privacy :) I don't wear push ups my friend, I prefer the natural look.
Oh my god! I like games! Hint please :)
Maybe we should chat sometime.
you know, that's so very tempting... but I'm gonna pas* on that one ;p
congrats you're a success Matthew
There aren't a lot of people I truly love in this world, but congrats you've just become one of them.
I ain't mean, silly!
Helllo random nice person :)
Well you don't have to be rude about it
Sara Wilson? Yeah. What's your deal homeboy?
Well... I needed space to put it simply. Our relationship was really up and down, so I needed to get out and breathe - experience some different people and life opportunities.
All of them <:( Legit every single one: Matt, Duncan, Ian, Emma, Megan, Jillian, Mirissa, Helen, Michael, Tommy, Josh, Sara, Derek, Gaby, Liv, Max, Nick, Ben, Paige, evvenn Blayne and Christian (and everyone else too!). Thinking of having a reunion party in the summer actually :)
:$ who are you?
People don't ask much actually :P They just say random stuff, like you :) thank you for your valued remark!
I guess Sara Wilson has always been my best friend, the only consistent one at least :P She's crazy, like me, and I love her for it!
Cameron Edwards is a pretty chill, down-to-earth dude :) He has the same taste in music as me and I love exchanging tunes with him :)
It's honestly so hard to pick out specific friends because I like to think that I'm friends with a variety of different people (:
hooooly, that's one bold statement.... thanks maybe? :p
purr :3
Huh. I guess I'd have to say... anyone I went to Somerset with :) Kinda formed a bond with them kids, they're my second family really. Tristan was my absolute best friend, but seemingly that relationship has fallen apart.
definitely gonna have to go with the sloth :) because you know what sloth means...
haaayyy(: just chillin with the kitty, hbu?
giiiiiirl, you be trippin!
oh thanks babe :) means a lot!
heeeeeeeeey!! <3 :*
Sometimes, when we're fighting...but I love him so much.
gooo foor it! you'd be doin us all a favour!
If you throw a brick at my head you might find some grey matter squirted about! I talk to him plentttyyy (which is way too much in my books)!
yeaah.. sorry to disappoint :/ it's a little empty, but I'd be happy to answer any questions :)
ohhh haiii :3
the middle... always go for the middle...
it's what I do ;)
Have I mentioned that I love you lately? :* Thank you babe <3
Some guy, but I'm good, I'll move past his wrong doings...eventually
YESSSSSS!!! Any situation in which a person commits suicide is a tragic one :(
A very small amount throughout grades 5-8. The most of it happened in grade 9 though.
Aww babe :/ <3 We should chat sometime! I try my best to not be judgmental, handle difficult situations with clas*, and treat everyone with respect (whether it's in front of their face or behind their back). The key to friendships is the utmost trust.
It's no one's fault! Please, never blame yourself. I've experienced things in my life that no person should ever go through, and all these experiences started to bottle up inside. I started to ignore my family and fall behind on school. As my stress built, I kind of became depressed. It's my fault for keeping all my feelings inside, not telling anyone anything.
:O why???
I miss my sisters every day of my life, they live in BC so I only really see them twice a year. I miss anyone I ever called a best friend in the past. There are a few things I regret in my life, but I wouldn't change a thing, because I'm happy where I am now and I'm happy with the person I've become because of hardships.
:') <3 haha, thank you lovely!
aww shucks dear, that's so sweet of you to say :') I don't find myself particularly gorgeous, but thankyou so much!
I did, but I haven't been on it in forever! :p
Yeah, and I don't know, not your business anyways!
Hmm...I'd like to know everyone better honestly. Maddy Golovchenko seems funny, but I don't know her well at all. Umm...just everyone honestly! :p inbox me sometime
Too brown, it's off my scale brotha
all day, e'ry day!
They're all funny in their own ways! We all have our quirks ;)
naturally :$ not sure if it's a blessing or a curse!
Thanks darlin!! :) that means a lot to me, I was super nervous!
raawr, a se*y one? :)
Not too sure... but I shall refer to him/her as a stain on humanity - too many of 'em.
Guess what, you're f***ing spectacular :D Thanks anon! <3
I appreciate the respect! :) <3 Thank you so much anon, you're lovely! :*
:P you silly goose !!!