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Sarah Annetta


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854 Replies

Your dream Job?

beautician or child care worker

Sarahannettaxo replied 3764 days ago

One thing you learnt from lulu
One thing you learnt from Harley

Lulu-never put trust into anything that would find it easy to replace you. Harley-never ever ever, ever get attached to someone you know will end up leaving. Never do something with someone if you know it's not the right thing to do. And that no one is going to end up sticking around for you, you have to fight your own battles.

Sarahannettaxo replied 3766 days ago

you took Harley and Chloe Dishington apart

no, I was simply reclaiming something I had much before she did.

Sarahannettaxo replied 3769 days ago

lol no one likes you, go cut yourself again, go brake Harley and Chloe apart, take Harley away from Chloe again, make him hate her, good on you, your broke her, you ruined her Sarah

LMFAOO, I took him away from her? areyou fûcked, look at what she did to mine and his relationship, she tore it apart and now I have to act like I don't even know him. i didn't make harley hate anyone she did that herself. and it's lot my fault she's still inlove him someone who doesn't love her back...oops.

Sarahannettaxo replied 3769 days ago

write a para on koda

koda bby ❤️ I've known him for what 11 months and it feels like I've known him my whole life. since day one he's made me the happiest girl ever, he's made me smile and laugh when I'm sad or crying. he's been there for me trough everything, the good and bad times. we've made the most amazing memories together I swear! he's the most genuine person ever and he's always sticking up for me and making sure I'm okay and I thank him for being awesome! I trust him with anything and everything and I know he trusts me too since he always let's me keep his iPod :')) omgg he gives the best hugs ever wtf!! anyways I could go on forever but I'm eating :3 love my koda bby so much ❤️❤️

Sarahannettaxo replied 3769 days ago 1

Sezza Tinasour


Sarahannettaxo replied 3776 days ago

do you want a boyfriend right now?

Nope I have my pet cat

Sarahannettaxo replied 3776 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

Hollywood bruv

Sarahannettaxo replied 3776 days ago

Craziest thing you ever did for money ?

I don't know tbh

Sarahannettaxo replied 3785 days ago

write a very very honest thing on lulu

it's hard loosing your bestfriend of 3 and a half years over some stupid fight, I've never been so lost in my life, but she seems quite happy and that's all I ever wanted, to see her actually happy again. but im honestly trying so very hard to come to terms with the fact that my bestfriends never going to come back, but people come and go I guess, just never thought it'd be her to leave after 3 and a half years on the strongest relationship ever. but tbh she could kick me to the curb 10 more times and I'd still be there to catch her if she falls, that's how much she's meant to me.

Sarahannettaxo replied 3786 days ago

write a really long thoughts on Sarah chambers

wow sez, I don't think I've been so close to someone as I am with her. she's like me older sister, she's always keeping my head up, always making me smile and always managing to make me a happier person day in and day out! I would do anything for her and I know she's do the same! always been here for me! known her since kindergarten and every single memory from then to now I would never replace for the world because each one has made me happier then before! from the ugly snapchatts to the grouse dnms she's always been te only person I can actually trust! yes we do take the pîss out of eachother but I honestly do love her more then I love anything in this entire world (except Justin) and I would do anything to see her with that big beautiful smile on her face! she's my happiness and I'd be lost without my lil' twinny, love you sez chambers ❤️❤️❤️

Sarahannettaxo replied 3786 days ago

What is your ringtone?

'by the sea side'

Sarahannettaxo replied 3787 days ago

The most unreliable person you know ?

I don't know tbh

Sarahannettaxo replied 3789 days ago

What's the worst part of being a girl?

I'm not gonna go ahead an say "oh it's getting your period" because no, it is not, we are all prepared to get that, so no that's clearly not the hardest bit. The hardest/worst part of being a girl in when you think that a guy actually cares about you then he fûcks off and leaves you all alone. It's when you have to look 100% perfection to impress every tom dîck and Harry. Its when your best fûcking friend leaves you for other people and all of a sudden your replaced. It's also when people you actually trusted fûck you over and hack your things just to spread more crap about you. It's trying to impress someone who doesn't actually give a shît about you. It's when you wear short skirts and get called a slût and then wear a long one and all of a sudden it's "to reserved". It's when you do something with a guy, one little thing and next thing everyone knows and bags the shît out of you because of it. It's when you can't find what to wear. When you fall for a guy and you have to hide your feelings. It's when your friend leaves you alone on a Saturday night with only your thoughts and when your heart it's broken into a million pieces. Being a girl actually s*cks, just saying.

Sarahannettaxo replied 3790 days ago

You didn't loose anything, she lost a girl who actually fkn cared about her ad you lost someone who would easily replace you and she's shown that she doesn't even care, so don't worry!

Just because I'm not friends with her doesn't mean I'm gonna agree to any shît you say about her! Yeah she lost someone who ACTUALLY cared but I lost that too.

Sarahannettaxo replied 3790 days ago