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ask me anything, tell me anything, give me hate. idc. (:

18 Replies

When did you last have *ex?

Why does that matter too you? ;)

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4036 days ago

Thoughts on me? xx maddy.scoble

Your a *****, you broke my nose and your weird! rnOnly kidding ;) rnrnYour beautiful, very generous and caring. rnAlways nice too me. rnWe have some great memories. rnYour gun too be around. rnVery funny. Xxx

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4079 days ago 1

Thoughts on me?? :) xx Shaniawuvschoo

I think your a really nice person and your also very pretty. :) But I think you hate me, well that's what I got told.

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4080 days ago

Thoughts on me? ;o x Shane.Watson

I think your a wonderful person. Always nice too me. Kinda wish we never broke up. I will never forgive you for breaking my bed. ;) I miss you. x

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4103 days ago

Ever seen a boy full naked?

yes, i have.

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Ever seen another girl full naked?

Nope, and i dont plan on it. :-)

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Have you ever touched someone's **** at school? Like full on stuck your hand in their jocks? :-)

Hahaha, no i haven't.

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Cir***cised looks way hotter, but fourskin a aparentuly bigger? But I like cur***sizeed too, when you give b*** j**s cur***sizeed feels much better

That's lovely. :)

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Is this to personal? But are you loose or tight? :)

uhh, to personal! :)

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

But cer***sized are smaller?

but apparently they are better when cer***sized?

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

What se*ual activitys have you done with a boy apart from just normal se*?

prefere not to say.. :)

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

What size bra are you? :)

uh, 12c..

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Do you like cer***sized or four skin p****?

cer***sized. :p

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Have you tried an*** se*?

No, i haven't. And i don't plan on trying it. :-)

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago

Favourite se* position?

Just normal is fine.

Sarahh.Louisee replied 4337 days ago