Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Then I must mah get hurt , rather I be friends with him than such a shallow person like you
Well I suppose yes ??❤️
What about him
No , he was better than the first one tho but í shouldn't have fell in love in the first place
Break rules
Well nothing much really , but if you really want to know detail : i wash it every 4-5 days with shampoo AND conditioner ?(4-5 days bc natural oils allow you hair to grow nicely) hint : dont let it get too oily tho ? and i let me hair air dry and then straighten it if i have to ?
Jade you dom , i know this was you
We not friends anymore
Uhmmmmm forgot
Same size as my boo*s ?
No sorry ??
Salvador Kiness
Laurissa and Khanyisa ?
Yes in the bathroom
Yes ??
Yes ?
Me and ilyaas* ? Darling hjpb kanala because you don't know what you talking about . I don't even send nudes so your theories are hard wrong
ever had a life ?
god made me and momma raised me
yes, but now its irrelevant bc all boo* sizes are beautiful
Nina❤, Caleb, Laeeq, Mikhail, Brandon, Dana
N qgom number that's saved as audio on my phone ???
Idiot ❤ jk we friends
Unfortunately yes
A lot of love ❤
Mmm I wonder
I never really had a reason , but it hurt other people more than myself ? I am not even that sad . It will grow ?
Nothing , sieka mah saying thank you but I don't know why they looking
Never wore something I regretted
Not my favourite person , maybe breezys I will go to
Unfortunately not but my mom is ?
Dislike = everything except people
Like = the people and nothing else
Difficult question bc my interests changes from year to year
Thanks darl❤
Ah sweet ?thanks darling ?
Yes but don't get lekker bud
I like going out with my friends but if not I blom on insta or call/chat to my friends
Probably Xhosa bc I know afrikaans and English already and also bc I am not quite sure what else is there besides soeto (sorry if I am spelling it wrong)
I prefer to see them like whenever I can , and I appreciate it more when they actually try and meet up
But I mean if they really can't see me it's not like I am going to like you any less bc of their circumstances
I prefer to see them like whenever I can , and I appreciate it more when they actually try and meet up
But I mean if they really can't see me it's not like I am going to like you any less bc of their circumstances
Read qooh below
I know some cute guys from all races so colour of skin doesn't really matter to me
Colour isn't really a thing to me
Oh then probably one of his friends ? sorry
No ? , but during ramadaan when I fast with some of my friends they call me sakeenah
Fairbairn College
No , I am straight
Cape Town , I have only been to Johannesburg once
Only one of two people could've asked this and I know khanyisa wouldn't qooh me(she knows my whole life no need to ask questions)
So hi kyle ?
But anyways he is a friend of mine ?
Ugh okay yes I should ?
Dm me ?
I answered this question already ?
I never really slept naked but sometimes in summer I sleep in just a bather (and I have been doing it since small)
Can't exactly give my real address (just in case of stalkers?) but to narrow it down : kaapstad
Dont mean to be vague but , lots , in and out my school
Well honestly , loyalty plays a big role like I mean don't mean to get deep and sht but it really does and just being lekker I guess
Yes, jade was a little younger than me
Having the same interests and morals
The way they connect reminds me a little of the way me and my best friend go on with each other , like animals but the best ones yet
Obvs that's my wife
Thanks sugar ??
I am not Asian, I look like it and no that very false
Yes ??
Unnecessary <- I always use auto correct for it ?
I hope you feel the same way about yourself honey ❤?
It's the thought that counts , be grateful and appreciate everything cause one man's trash is another man's come up
Oh goodness , shukran darl ? but I am far from perfect
Don't chew the same bubblegum twice
We were cute and we still cute in our separate lives ?? - this comes from ilyaas and sash ?
A bra I used to do guitar with and a bra that's in my bio class ?
My main G , she is a strong women and I love to bits for the the choices she has made and the women she has become ??
This random smile is a beautiful soul too ?? this was very sweet and thanks for making my day koeks ?
Purple one ? Black and white ? Red White and blue ? ...
Thanks sweets ??
Which one ?
Shukran kooks ?
I haven't watched one harry potter movie , or one step up movie and not even one fast and the furious. Also I haven't watched star trek or star wars ? don't judge ?
Yes dawg a vrek a lot ??? don't remind me ??
Thanks koeks ? but that's why I am single ?