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Jack kelly


someone qoohme plzz bored as **** <3

590 Replies

guys show some respect for jack!wtf did he ever do to you? if you have a problem with it go go go tell your mother and stop saying nasty sht about others! Why should he have to kill himself? Be who you are stay who you are F*ck off haters say it to his face :* laauurreenn

awww thank you xx :*

Sauce26 replied 3853 days ago

wtf u gat as* mother*****s wanna say ****
too jacks face yeah i bet you cant cause your a ****en corward say **** that u would say too his face , jack dw bout these ****s they all are lowlifes Charliseway

Thanks xx

Sauce26 replied 3861 days ago

kik me ( if u have it) charlise_way Charliseway

an sorry don't have it

Sauce26 replied 3861 days ago

Why do you want him to kill himself? How's it going to affect you? You're all pathetic, people make mistakes so shove your anon qoohmes up your as*.

thank you anon!! and cause I'm ugly fat and really stupid

Sauce26 replied 3861 days ago

Jack go dig a hole lay the coffin in it kill yourself on the coffin then everyone in this world will be sooo so so happy tour dead we will throw a party

U trying to make me more upset then I already am now you pricks

Sauce26 replied 3862 days ago

go ****ing kill yourself already


Sauce26 replied 3862 days ago

What school do u go to?

st marts of the angels nathalia.

Sauce26 replied 3862 days ago

ok people telling jack to kill himself.thats way too far! just fu cking stop or you will cause something! it un called for! if he actually did do it you would feel like sh it! just let him live a happy life for.god sakes!

Thanks x but I'm not living a happy life cause no one talks to me or likes me so I may aswell kill myself

Sauce26 replied 3863 days ago



Sauce26 replied 3863 days ago


maybe i will!!!!

Sauce26 replied 3864 days ago

<3 samcrosby

**** off sam

Sauce26 replied 3864 days ago 2

Now **** off samcrosby

stop asking me questions then dip****

Sauce26 replied 3864 days ago 3

Thank you samcrosby

no probs

Sauce26 replied 3864 days ago 1

You blocked me cause you tried to have a go at me... Besides leave my ****ing girlfriend alone and stop saying **** on her qoohme and snapchat samcrosby

what ever

Sauce26 replied 3864 days ago 2

You blocked me on facebook samcrosby

and you wonder why? and i don't have Facebook anymore

Sauce26 replied 3864 days ago 1