Opinion on Shana Considine?
hate her...... nah shes the coolest chick know her for ever! Realy funny and cute miss her !
Like give me an opinion on them separately.. As in day what you think of Brooke then say what you think of Sarah.. Then so on.
Separate opinions on Brooke Elliot Shana Considine Jaaz caddy and Sarah field?
Dafuq is separate options?
Stop picking on lhiam bully oneday he will smash you
Thoughts on Lhiam Delahunty? :))
Absolute sick **** bung bung best scooter rider I've. Seen mgp should get him on the team !! I heard he's got his own company big lee bearings ?
Do you like Ella Bubat and Daisy Hill? Gross!
Haha there alright only as friends
Hey for a scooter rider your pretty hot. Xx
Ok Hahaha if ur a girl mabey inbox me shah ?
Do blind people have dreams?
I'd say so
Thoughts in Daisy Hill?
Ill drop you tomoz.
Beau ?
Hottest year 10 girls?
Umm Erika Alex Georgia a few others I guess haha idk
U n0 homie dog ****
As if man I from da west side
You are one muthaf***er.
Why thank you
Thoughts on Eloise
Don't realy know her seems pretty chill good looking and it's wades mate WADE!!!
Have you tried peeing standing up?
No I pee sitting down like a girl who do you think I am
Thoughts on Breezy Lewis? ;)
Cool funny good looking I guess
Better watch out mutt.
Your so gay, ya f*****.
Hahaha who this
Thoughts on Daisy Hill?
Umm idk she has blue hair haha
Do you know anyone who went to CSC junior with you that had a disability?
I don't think so ? Why
If you knew someone with Epilepsy and he was a really awesome dude,
Would you respect him even to hang with him
Would you just leave him alone?
Well seeing as I have other issues like allergys eczema an asthma I just accept people for who they are and I don't Realy judge people on their diseases or issues so I would respect them and would hang out with them :)
Who would you hang with for a day out of Family guy
Stewie griffin or Peter griffin?
Haha what kind of question is that haha? BOTH!
Who do you hate most.
Hates a strong word
why do you smell funny?
Because I am funny
Who do you hate most who went to CSC with you?
Junior or senior ?
How's your girlfriend going..? because clearly you have a soul..
Hahaha what!?
Ahahah idk who is this haha ?
Hows Con going?
Ahahha where having a family fued ATM haha
riding today man?
Yeah after work! Who's this haha
Thoughts on jack Ansell and jake Thomas
Both love the **** ;)