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Savannah McGuckin


Dear Haters ✧ Thank y0u f0r being my m0tivati0n x Hate mail will be deleted, d0nt waste y0ur time x

47 Replies

I just want to that. I think your pretty and that. I wish I could see that smile of yours again

Thankk you xx

SavMcGucks replied 3934 days ago

Heyyy just wannnnnnnnnt too0 sayy ur beautiful !
And I feelll inlove with u the m0ment I met y0o !! I really wish y0o and I could be t0gether :( or y0oo could be mine :(

Thanks... Xx

SavMcGucks replied 3935 days ago

Thnx for being sch an aMazing person!!!! Nver met someone sooooo amazIng*****

Haha xxxx

SavMcGucks replied 3946 days ago

Wasssuuupp biaattccchh ;) , Just wanted to say hey , you're beautiful , so don't change anything about yourself x
- Chloe D . Bear

You're stunning xxxx

SavMcGucks replied 3956 days ago

I've never met such a beautiful girl in my entire life :( wisshh* u could be mine :(*

Ahhh xxxx thank you x ping?

SavMcGucks replied 3957 days ago

Youre a gorgeous girl. But recently you decided to ignore the 1 guy who was there for you, called u, and cared for you when u went through a rough patch with a passing friend. I still care for you. Hope you know who this is.

Please ping me...

SavMcGucks replied 3966 days ago

Hey youuu! Miss talking to you!

Havier Xxxxx

Hello you x miss talking to you too.

SavMcGucks replied 3972 days ago

Heyy Sav! :) Chené-Ney was here :D just spreading some love on your qOOh me page ;) stay gorgeous <3

:) hello pretty. Stay stunning.

SavMcGucks replied 3972 days ago

Hey Savannah just wanted to say you FB&tweets are so awesome and true BTW I would like to be come ur friend if your willing stay awesome and keep those Epic tweets up. :)X.
22113E63 - if ur willing to become my friend :) Bronwyn0525

Thank y0u, pretty 0ne :) x

SavMcGucks replied 4037 days ago

BEST FRIEND ! You should know who this is :p lol misssing u gang. Stay ur amazing nd beautiful girl and dnt listen to these haters if they have the guts they would tell u in person !!!!! Love u my bestfriend !! K bye Xoxox


SavMcGucks replied 4042 days ago

Hey Sav's just wanna know are you and Mr Alexander dating LoL...??? :)x

N000000....haha x

SavMcGucks replied 4043 days ago

Hey savannah just wanted to say u are so beautiful and awesome stay like that. Darren g moscoe33

Ahhh, Thanks Da xxx

SavMcGucks replied 4048 days ago

What grade are u ??

Eight :)

SavMcGucks replied 4048 days ago

Savs what type of guys do you like. Cause I'm inlove with you

(: h0nest, faithful, gentleman wh0'll d0 anything and everything t0 make me happy. S0me0ne wh0'll give their all just like ill give my all.

SavMcGucks replied 4071 days ago

Why do u hate lesbians & gays?

G0d made Adam and Eve n0t Adam and Steve... Visa versa

SavMcGucks replied 4071 days ago