Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Put your qooh me0on your status xx
Well who are you ?? I will make it 269
Nearly there...
Then he kisses me....
Um...... I really don't know..
Awww that's so sweet please bbm me .
Awesome , swag , pretty !!!
K on this thing there are three things at the too saying diffrent thing go to the one of the left and it says home and then click that and under neath it will say join then press that;) i hope it works x
What does your name and surname start with x
Can you msg me !?
Nicole or Shanel xx
Someone speicial ?? Xx
I have no clue xx
I love them both but horses;)
Ping me !!
Ping me !!
I have a lot x
Can really say i miss every one x
aww i probaly do miss you but i don't know who you are x ILY
Hey poo i miss you and we must make plans , hope you still run every sunday x
That mad no sense to me but anyways hey x
Well just ping me it could even be you !!
Just ping me and i will tell you !!
Why do you wanna know so badly !!
Ping me and i will maybe tell u
Well i don't really like any of them but i would consider dating one of them x
As a friend or more ??
I don't get what you mean ??
I don't have best friends cause my best friend goes to SJS but my clostest friends are Candice , Emma , Amy , Erin , Carmy ,Hannah I , Kelly , Pix , Kalia , Bridget and i would really like to get to know Bo and Joyclen they seem really cool x (sorry for any spelling
Yes for sure x ping me so we can make plans !!!
Becky and Laiky!!
My mom , gran , my aunty and my cousions x
Dan and Josh Benadie (sorry for the spelling)
Ask me on bbm and i will honestly tell you x
Yes my family members x
I honstly don't know x
My best friend x
This really amazing boy but i didn't go so....
Ask me on bbm and i swear i will tell you x
Yeah i bet i do x
I miss all of them but i really miss Daena x
Obviously someone aamazing x
Ask me in person and i will tell you
I love you , its okay i don't tink I'm going x
Someone that goes to Laddsworth , ping me so i can find out and we can make plans ♡ x
I dunno who you are so if you ping me i will tell you x
One of the people i have on bbm x
From my old school (Laiky , Caiti and Bex ) new school ( i have to many probz Bridget , Emma , Amy and Candice )
You wore my onzie ♡
14 !!
Someone.....♡ x
Bridget♡ x
Aww thanks please ping me x
Um why.....
Omg !! They both so good :G
Yeah haha x
I have lots of besties but my top 3 are probaly Laiken , Becky and Daena♡ x
Swag♡ !!
Thank you please may you ping me:)
Awww love you to nuu :)♡ x
What are you talking about....
I know who you are............
Why do you wanna know ?? (Ping me and i will tell you)
I don't get what you saying ??
Why is everyone saying that :| please ping me:)
I have lots of funny thing but a really funny two really fun things are that When i was in grade 1 or 2 i was showing my friend Becca Phillps how to was her hair so i put my head into the water but fast and i hit my head on the bath and i had a mirror in my hand and that hit me to and the secong thing is that i went to my friends house Laiken Austen and we were conjuind and we had to do everything like that
I went to the mall with my Fam and i saw a bunch of my friends in Mr. Price and i went to say hi and when i came out my foot sliped under the mat and i fell face first in front of all my friends and my family and the whole mall :|
I dunno :( 2B016F33
Dunno yet :)
Prada and Lilly and a gold fish :) x
Scott nic cam and tristan
I dunno
I have lots♡ but if i had to choose one Laiken
Ok fine i was lying dan is awesome
Sorry but its not april fools
That's a hard question
I have changed my mind so many times so i don't know
Dan and he does this really irritating thing with my chair:|
The one from Dulces idk the name
Zack Efron
Zack Efron or Taylor Latnor
I don't have and best friends in his classthey all just close friends