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Doing the thing you love most and living happily
yup, im still a teenager ;)
realising what your worth
someone hehe
If I had one yes!
She's perfff, amazing girl, love talking to her and such, really attractive, and a great body xo
Daniel robinsons 18th, the only party where walking was not an option anymore
Good as chick! Don't talk anymore but she's a nice as girl! :)
Kelly: pretty good chick outgoing! Cameron: great kid, love him heaps, good mate Jamie: attractive, and a heaps good mate Georgia: don't think she likes me but from when we spoke, nice as girl, good to talk to
I know, but it's okay cause dat as*
Not you ;)
Cassie- nice chick easy a to talk to and stuff :) Kelly- attractive, doesent squat but, and is a genuinely nice girl :)
I'm not sure, but off the top of my head, attractive, great body, easy to talk to, beautiful.
100M on runescape.
Jordyns mint, like perff but we don't talk at all anymore. Sarah's a lovely girl and deserves happiness.
Sure is like 2cm x0x0
A lot.
A dark dark place that is actualy horrible. So pretty much hell
I've got a few, and they know who they are, :)
Optimum nutrition maaaaan
Depends on the ex, could work, could also fail miserably.
Doesent even lift, f*****. Nah his a Scottishman that I love and is shredded like zezzz
Well there's a few more than 3 close so Matt, Seb, Jarod, jake, keepy Closest: matt
Yeah alright I guess haha
Kelly: nice chick doesent even squat and attractive, doesent even squat ;) Kiera: attractive, good as* Genna: funny as, easy to get a long with and have a laugh :) not bad looking either! Cassie: easy as to get a long with! And a down to earth girl Whitney: seems like a great girl don't know her but Jade: same as whitney
Not to sure to be honest
Jordyn is attractive use to be close Sarah: pretty nice girl! Haven't spoken in ages but
Meagan is a nice chick don't know her Steph is pretty attractive seems like a nice chick!
Looks for intelligence, looks aren't anything and intelligence leads to money which leads to success.
Yes baby as hard as steel
Girls: Emily Marriott, Ashlee sargeant, gabby pino, Jordyn Harrison Boys: Seb Reid, Darcy livo, Zac Thompson, Few others but can't think properly atm
Hahaha oh really, inbox me who this is!
Boys or girls?
Lifting some heavy as* weight maaaan
There's a few
I'd still go there
Hot, best as*, strong 10/10 would bang
Pretty good chick have a few good memories!
An xbox
Someone who's basically opposite me.
What happened between me and her is between us only :)
Thankyou! :) x
Thanks! I don't know what she's thinking but, it's a shame, because I really haven't wanted much.
I don't know who actually said this, but I'm thanking you for it! Inbox or text me? I'd love to know!
Understandable, but fair enough, no one will know the full story :)
Many probably disagree, but if I explained my side as there are two sides to a story, I think you would be the judge of that, you tell me?
Being aesthetic as ****!
I know who it is now, Greendale is a big place -.-
I never had friends in primary school :( more hints!
Thanks :')
What house?
The ****?! Give me a hint!
Ask her that one.
Yes I was the biggest dealer, dealing to everyone, ;) I know who wrote this
She's a grouse chick!
Met one from primary school, one through her threatening me about her close friend haha and anther from a wall post.
Nope that was like 2 years ago, kinda miss the people I got involved with, always had great days with them but that had to come to an end
Good chick, haven't spoken to her in ages but she's nice as and good to talk to
Got more then 3 but ill only say Rachel for now. The others know who they are.
Lose yourself eminem
I dunno about that
I dunno, are they? :D
I dunno to be honest.
We were pretty close once, I'm not sure if it was anything but. Ask her that one.
Plenty of times
Nice chick don't talk
Kiera: she's nice as, we use to be close but yeah Kelly: nice girl, good to talk to Cassie: good chick, pretty shy but!
Thanks! Haha
Aw! Thankyou, who is it?
Wheels, Tim, or Colby, I dunno which of the three but I dunno google it!
Thankyou for your input. It is appreciated.
I don't have a clue who that is! :o
Aw thankyou
Naw naw, who are you? :)
Jade is pretty nice but I've never really spoken to her
Katrina is pretty nice and good to talk to :)
Who's this!? :o
Honestly probably Iceland. :)
Inbox me yeye? I'm curious :)
Haha are you? I know for a fact you'll get rejected :)
Thank you heaps! :)
Very nice girl! Use to be close and talk all the time, but drifted heaps and haven't spoken in a long while.
One of the best kids for sure, ripped as f***!