Fatuku ya teronkong e shebahala jwang?
My guess is no 2 diffrent frm u
sebili e bolelang? fiddy69
Hahahahaha ntho e bilikang
A.a,mare he was a revolutionarist
ke nnete hore ha u na maboya?
If u a chic come c 4 urself,if u mjita hahahaha cant u do better thn that?
how long have u and Tapole been dating...hee! stewiepeanut
I dont know any chic by d name of tapole,sory better luck nxt tym
Ist true that u the 1st person to stare at a cow and said "gues il squeez ths tangly thngs and drink wat ***s out"? nkosi.tshabalala1
Hahaha i wish it had bin me but im only 21 yrs old so it cant b
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Who are you dating currently
Its not important