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the answers you seek are a question away

49 Replies

How much do you have in your bank account ?


Shaarkboy replied 2990 days ago

What's pissing you off right now ?

The real question is what isn't pissing me off

Shaarkboy replied 2998 days ago

What are you good at ?

Ha...ha I can't tell you

Shaarkboy replied 3004 days ago

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

The time turner from The Prisoner of Azkaban

Shaarkboy replied 3007 days ago

Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyways

Because in that point in time they have the choice to not see you naked aha

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

How does a real estate company sells its office without causing confusion

It doesn't life itself is one big confusing mess. Get your sht together, Carol

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

Where does a toe tag go on a person if they don't have toes?

On their foot nub

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

How Far East can you go before heading west?

The limit does not exist

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

Do dentists go to other dentists or do they do it themselves?

I do myself

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?

Because they don't need to add another sht item to their menu

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

At a movie theatre which arm rest is yours?

Both duh

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

What is satans last name?


Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

Do they bury people with their braces on?

I could go all into the embalming process if you'd like. I took a forensics science class and we learned about it! Aha

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

What makes you bored?

Hm having nothing to do but breathe and stare at a wall

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago

Favorite part of the human face and why?

Eyes, because everyone's eyes are different and sometimes eyes can tell more than words ever could

Shaarkboy replied 3017 days ago