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Shaelee mcgrath


Ask me anything you like anonymously

34 Replies

Who do you love more, mum or dad ?

My Oompa Loompa

Shae12 replied 3791 days ago

Shae why you bein so hard on Jordan for? At least try to hear his side.

We'll if he wasn't so hard on rani then I wouldn't. He gas done some very hurtful things the last week or two and I'm over it and so is rani.

Shae12 replied 3802 days ago

All you haters fk off and leave Shae alone.
Or I'll be dealing with yous. Xx -Lauren

Aw thanks bae

Shae12 replied 3804 days ago

facebook me shae-Erika


Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

are you going to delete it all?

Yea I am now

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

and why would meghans closest friend post anything like that ?

Get lost

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

no matter what i consider Meghan as my best friend wether she does or not! even when were fighting i wouldn't say anything about her or about anything that would hurt her!

I'm who is this?

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

Whoever keeps saying stuff about me can you stop because 1. You can't even spell my name right, so that just shows how much you know me. 2. What happens between Shae and I is none of your business.
Many thanks
~Meghan xx

I. Over this don't even know what's going on

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

i haven't posted any thing on here?

I know so who is it that can't trust me

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

i dont want to fight with you shae, but i dont know why you'd say it was me!

Idk I'm sorry

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

i definitely didnt post that-shae the fact that you accused me seriously pissed me off and shows how much of a friend you really are! I'm kinda over you because i trusted you and i came to you when i was upset and you do this

Just wondering who is this because I'm so confused

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

and that thing about trust wasn't me?

I'm so confused

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

you tell me that i can trust you and you're always there for me such crap

I am always there for you

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

shae the fact that you accused me seriously pissed me off and shows how much of a friend you really are! I'm kinda over you because i trusted you and i came to you when i was upset and you do this

I thought of meghans closest friend and mine so I'm sorry that I accused you

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago

who ever it is just stop, you're being immature, if shae has said stuff about meghan to you then she's done it because she trusts you but now you're doing this

I don't say anything about meghan to anyone

Shae12 replied 3805 days ago