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Shae Garvey


Ask away fcukers

1.1k Replies

Who's this D*** that's trying to be Saxons mouth , F*** off as if he'd ever think shae is drug F***** **** ... Go jump

He hasn't said other wise..

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

If he pushes you away he doesn't deserve you your perfect !

Na, I'm just a crazy sluuut.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago 1

Even Saxon thinks your a drug fkd sluut

Doesn't really surprise me.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

Wish you were single so I could give you everything an more, Saxon is very lucky to have you! wish I could find someone that's at least half the person you are babe x

I wish Saxon would realise but were over now anyway, thanks.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

One more person slags off about yours an Saxons relationship I'm gonna lose my **** !! F*** !!!!!!!

I don't think we're together anyway.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

Saxon doesn't even want you lol.

Tell me something I don't already know.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

Let's have a puff tonight my shout I have an 8 ball

I don't even understand what you just said?

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

It's still immature. Grow up.

Immature is you chirping because you can hide yourself. Grow some balls.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

Don't you think posting silly statuses about someone and purposely bullying them is a little immature at your age? Stop being so mean.

Because she didn't do the same? Because she didn't call me a crack head first? Get your facts together.

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

Shaestein Mcloven


Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

Not that you should be on the single parent pension considering you're with your daughters father receiving more money than you should lol

You seem to think you know so much about me but concidering all that changed about 4 months ago now haha. 1.your sick in the head if you think your getting somewhere at breaking and 2. What you say makes me laugh your just another two faced dawg behind anon so kiss my poo

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

If you had a few grand saved up your centrelink would get cut off because you can only have a certain amount of savings on the single parent pension

Lol, you are stupid. Ever heard of a children's savings account you fu cking wanker

Shaeisepic replied 3969 days ago

This ***** has came out of no where and started saying you're a druggie and a bad mother? ***** wants her head belted in. courtneydavidson_

Haha Oi na bad mum because I don't have a few grand saved away.

Shaeisepic replied 3970 days ago 1

If you have so much saved for her, put a receipt on Facebook. If you have over a few grand, I'll personally inbox you an apology.

A few grand? Mate I got just under that but remember who pays rent bills food an every day necessities so if you want to call me a bad mum for housing and feeding my child go right ahead, it shows the kind of person you are. Nigh nigh.

Shaeisepic replied 3970 days ago

The fact that people have nothing better to do than come on your qooh me and write s h i t about jorja to start even more drama is rather sad you both need to leave eachother alone

Don't tell me how to live my life. Hahaha. Well maybe she should learn to shut her mouth and not make fake accusations about me. It's not taken lightly when I'm called a druggo and a **** mum when I'm neother of the two.

Shaeisepic replied 3970 days ago