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He hasn't said other wise..
Na, I'm just a crazy sluuut.
Doesn't really surprise me.
I wish Saxon would realise but were over now anyway, thanks.
I don't think we're together anyway.
Tell me something I don't already know.
I don't even understand what you just said?
Immature is you chirping because you can hide yourself. Grow some balls.
Because she didn't do the same? Because she didn't call me a crack head first? Get your facts together.
You seem to think you know so much about me but concidering all that changed about 4 months ago now haha. 1.your sick in the head if you think your getting somewhere at breaking and 2. What you say makes me laugh your just another two faced dawg behind anon so kiss my poo
Lol, you are stupid. Ever heard of a children's savings account you fu cking wanker
Haha Oi na bad mum because I don't have a few grand saved away.
A few grand? Mate I got just under that but remember who pays rent bills food an every day necessities so if you want to call me a bad mum for housing and feeding my child go right ahead, it shows the kind of person you are. Nigh nigh.
Don't tell me how to live my life. Hahaha. Well maybe she should learn to shut her mouth and not make fake accusations about me. It's not taken lightly when I'm called a druggo and a **** mum when I'm neother of the two.
Thanks jays :)
I'll be your man!
HAHAHA I don't even know, I haven't seen it but I don't want to either!
Thank you :) I don't even drink though so humans can say as they please, I know my life :) appreciate it!
Your really trying to pick at me for anything you can can't you, shall I print a recite of her savings account that can't be touched? I'll be more then happy to :)
I don't go out at all, and even back then I went to hurleys Friday nights, because both sax an I worked Friday nights by the time I finished aliveah would be asleep and my grandmother is a traditional believer in not waking a sleeping baby, and even then I got up at 8am EVERY Saturday morning and got her, so don't even try make me look bad f u c k w h i t.
Thankyou! I think you're damn right, I won't big note but I am not a bad mother.
Hahaha, two pennies says your right! It's funny now because I don't see me out drinking? I don't see me doing anything at all but staying home being a mum haha
Amen sista! I can't think of one possible way I've been a crap mother. Hahaha some people, it does not get to me the slightest, especially when they don't have the balls to speak up without hiding there name. Weak, pathetic, drop kick.
Pls explain to me how I have ruined her life by being a crap mum? Hahaha pathetic wanker, grow a real set.
She's such a precious girl.
Thank you, I'm not because anyone who knows me knows how much I hate the sh it, and knows why I've lost so much weight
I don't know her?
Some f u c k h e a d from ky, she's that skinny from drugs she probably doesn't have one haha
F them all sis
I don't know her personally but she seems like a lovely gal
Why am I even getting questioned when it's nothing to do with me :(
Courtney is a big girl she can make her own decisions, exs become friends all the time so get over it, she loves justin for Christ sake, she would never do anything to ruin her relationship.
Who cares if it goes good!
not really anymore
Great gal, caring and so considerate!
She never done anything personal to me so why would I?
Shynarla. Marty. Courtney. Saxon.
Thank you! It really does s*ck, no one will really understand, people may think I'm a sook or attention seeker but I've never felt so much pain in my life, honestly giving birth doesn't even compare.. :(
I thought the same to, but everyone is coming up with silly excuses to not come. It's really going to show her who are true friends are.
She deserves it, she would do the same for me! Maybe they do, but they honestly don't show it! I mean hardly anyone is even coming to her birthday, I understand what weekend it falls on but no one even organised anything for her. It really upsets me.
Elise. Mum. Ally. Spaz. Spazs mum.
Because I moved home.
The way I'm feeling I'll need it! Appreciate it :)
Haha cheers!
That is a beautiful compliment. Thankyou.
I don't have boo*s.
Not a fan of milk, brings out my exhma haha #cantspell
What breasts :(
Well I was in incredible pain yestersay so I don't the wrong thing an had 3 at once, felt good so I watched the netball and footy but I came home after feeling like crap they had worn off, I wish they done something but they do nothing ay all they don't take the pain away at all :(
I had 6 stones in the end, they didn't even give them to me :( I have four holes in my gut and I've never ever EVER been in this much pain in my life, I have endone pills for the pain and not even they take it away :(
I had my Gaul bladder removed.
Thankyou? Haha I love my ink though, hence why I got them.
Honestly I miss most people, so don't doubt it :)
#luvas4lyf #fkudaworld
Chances are I feel the same way!
Damn straight! They can all get stuffed, your my main girl, my rock. Nothing anybody says will change that, like you said. Married couple right here!
Amen Carlz! A bloody men! Over opinionated as* holes that know nothing, Elise an I talked crap about eachother when we fought and that's all they know and go off. Whatever happens, happens and no one can control it.
Would you back off and stop being so nasty about her, she done more for me then anyone else ever has, we helped eachother out so much, I don't even know where we stand but that girl will always be my best friend at heart so f u c k off.
Let's pray not!
Well I have two cuts in it so I assume so but I won't know until the bandages come off but I'm going to be upset if it did :(
No? Haha I mean I feel that way but no.
I treat him poorly at times to, it was him 5 years ago and it will be him until the end of time. I will never love anybody the way I love him.
Nothing when someone won it years ago.
That was to much to read.
Isn't that the point of love? Of coarse.
Honestly shut up. Seriously. She helped me a lot also, there was no using between us get it through your head. Being tree for eachother and helping one another out is not using!
Uh you to
No wukkas
Thankyou! Means a lot.
Don't stress, secrets safe with me.
So precious! I see many people every day narrow it down!
Aw darling, you'll find someone your own age :)
Hah, I'm not that great! But thanks :) don't feel scared it's me!
Amen sista!
That was sweet, thankya very much.
Because humans s*ck.
Used? Lol. Pls shut up. Your opinion is invalid an none of what you just said was a question idiot.
What I like an I feel comfortable in :)
I think she's a stinky rat :/ hehehe Mwa Mwa
I'm saying any one in general, why ditch a beautiful girl for a root?
And then again maybe it does. She was my stone, Even through our huge fights she's kept everyone of my secrets.. She is better then what people think.
Multiple reasons, I don't like them, they're **** people, I don't want them.
I don't know the answer to this question, bottom line, we don't need snarky remarks from people if we become friends.
Thankyou, but don't say that. You're with her for a reason, never leave a dedicated girl for a lousy roooot.
I know nothing about this..
Tattoos, tans, jealousy, the personality where people turn around and say 'I've never seen him like that before' and the same love for cars an sort bikes I have.
Dude shove your accusations, I weigh 49, I keep losing weight because of how ill I am. I actually have a kidney shedding, and I actually have an operation Thursday for a gal bladder because I have six stones moving around that are creating my sickness. So F u c k you.
Are you kidding? HAHA! There are none. It's rushworth.
Don't be.. There's a lot wrong, but it's personal.
Honestly don't know anymore.