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209 Replies

Longest relationship?

Current ?

Shaina.____ replied 1951 days ago

Favourite thing about your girl?

Everything ?, but top 3 has to be her eyes, personality and her heart?

Shaina.____ replied 1961 days ago

Wassup pimp daddy??


Shaina.____ replied 1980 days ago

What's your $ex life like?

Better than yours...

Shaina.____ replied 1986 days ago

You and your gf are so cute??

Thank you? x

Shaina.____ replied 1986 days ago

Who's the best kisser you've kissed?

Tough, but definitely Justine?

Shaina.____ replied 1988 days ago

Have u ever cheated?

In class yeah?

Shaina.____ replied 1991 days ago

I think you n your gf are hot


Course you do?

Shaina.____ replied 1999 days ago

What is your advice on getting through social anxiety

Fake it till you make it. Act confident even if you aren't. Just put yourself through socially awkward situations and you'll soon realize that other people's opinions don't mean sht. You never know what's going through people's heads, so why waste your time trying to figure that out ? At the end of the day you can either be your own worst enemy or your best friend. Be there for yourself and be kind to yourself. And if that doesn't work just focus on your strong points and what you love about yourself. If you can't find any, then focus on what other people love about you and compliment you on. At the end of the day you don't need anyone's approval or acceptance. Just stay true to yourself and you'll attract the ones that are meant to be in your life.

Shaina.____ replied 1999 days ago 1

Yea but like your way out of her league

Grow up soon kid?

Shaina.____ replied 1999 days ago

My human form of sunshine ☀️

I love you my angel??

Shaina.____ replied 1999 days ago

Why are you with that girl

Because her soul is lit and her heart is pure gold. She treats me better than anyone ever has. I worship the ground she walks on and I'll go through a year of hell with her before I ever consider looking at someone like you. If you have nothing nice to say then fck right off. Thank you?.

Shaina.____ replied 1999 days ago

What is necessary to have a good relationship?

Compatibility, good communication, effort, trust and a lot of forgiveness and understanding...

Shaina.____ replied 2000 days ago

Same person for the is it hard being lesbian and I get it like I had one friend that got killed because he was gay and this girl that I knew got raped and abused because she is lesbian so I’m sorry that all of us straight people especially guys are A$$holes

That's really horrible, I'm sorry to hear about that☹. Some people are just so sick? it's disgusting. But yeah it's not everyone. There are a lot of supportive people just wish there were more though.

Shaina.____ replied 2000 days ago

Sorry I hope I don’t affend you but is it hard being lesbian in 2019 like do you get comments in public and do people treat you differently? Just asking not trying to offend.

I wouldn't say it's hard, but it's not as easy as being straight. Obviously there are a lot of homophobic people out there, so you never know for sure who's judging or not. In some situations it's hard to be open about my $exuality, for example church and around family. The only time it's really difficult is when I'm out with my girlfriend at a club or whatever, escaping the kinda attention that it brings is not easy and also guys just make you feel really uncomfortable. It's hard to kiss my girlfriend or be affectionate with her in these situations because it always feels like men perve over it and yeah it's just probably one of the most uncomfortable situations to be in. A lot of people also don't take a lesbian relationship seriously. We don't get treated the same as how a straight couple would which takes a big toll. It's not nice to be treated as something less, I suppose and because of the fact that most people don't respect a same $ex relationship or take it seriously, a lot of men love to think that they have a shot of stealing your girlfriend and often take a chance at it because they think they might be able to offer her something that you can't which is absolute bullsht ???. I just laugh at how naive and arrogant some people can be.

Shaina.____ replied 2000 days ago