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Shakeel Johnson


Ask me anything you like don't worry i don't bite:)

144 Replies

*AwE ShAkEeL Uu A HoNd ii MuSt SaY... LoL LuRv Uu LoTs Ma NiGgUh ;) ...* f*** ThE WorLd!!! LoL CauSe We AwEsoMe LiKe ThAt...:) *xoXo Uu knOw WuU!!!:) :) :) *#

Hehehe thanx Krijesa my niggaaaaaah!!
Love yoo more bud stay awesome as always man:)

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

Do you know lucian nel??

Lmao ja I know lubo why?

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

Hey as*! I'm nevver gettn yoo food again! Go get by your other wives and our sharks can go live on dry land!! Make me miss yoo loser mofo:D bish :D TashieTate

Aaaaaaaah my wife is cross 4 me I'm sorry:( I'll make it up 2 yoo man:D
Miss yoo more boo:P

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

You are my only child- and ur still not the favourite... X0x0 your mother (: Tobzie

LMBIMP!!!! I guess I bare a resemblance to yoo=D

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

How was ur day

Okay I guess:) thanx:)

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

Lol ...hey**hows it coming along with ur mistry gal?*#curious me again...

Okay I guess I can't really say hey but thanx for asking:)

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago


I don't think this is Amber(X_x) but love yoo 2:)

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

*Oppa Shakeelo Style*

Lmao awe

Shakeelo replied 4509 days ago

Fuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkk mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee
You are one se*y mutha f***a

Lmbimmp :$ thanxxx a lot I'm sure yoo are too

Shakeelo replied 4515 days ago

Don't Feed The Apes..Z-Ball..No Thanks..Love-Leh are all terms created by the great Callan Andrews & you decide to make as if its your own that's mediocre

Lmm2 I was the 1 that created the term mediocre & Bawse & that's nice & excellence so we basically even gebruik jou kopinocity

Shakeelo replied 4520 days ago

Why u prettier than most girls are?

LMIMP!!!!!! (X_x) who is this?

Shakeelo replied 4520 days ago

When I sed:You Da bestest nd u awesome oh nd u rock ) I meant it
Btw .nd yoo know who I am

Awwww thanxx a lot I'm sorry but I'm not sure who yoo are tho don't get offended tho this happens often(X_x)

Shakeelo replied 4520 days ago

Hey man TotterMan 8o you make me lus for gatsby :( . Your so Vital huh . Lmao we got the convo on the burn kow :D. #TheeMainHasLeft *

Lmbimm we speaking on bbm & on qoohme kow neh man I'm waiting here 4 my gatsby jy!!

Shakeelo replied 4520 days ago

Don't feeed the blady apes Naat . Dude I'm juso hungry - QooohMeConvo8o . Dude the world are changin' Yoou just said Boss instead of BAWSE :| what you tryin man . #TheeMainHasReturned .. AGAIN*

Skwl is 4 losers man!!! Na man now get money & buy us chow I'm hungry & boue man I lis 4 a gatsby(-_-)...I'm just saying boss 4 2day don't get emotional(x_x) lmm2 :P

Shakeelo replied 4520 days ago

Y mus I tel u wu I am?? Itz ment 2b anonymous, datz tha point Don't Feed The Apes

Lmimmp yoo can tell me on bbm moz hai...lmao skwl is 4 losers

Shakeelo replied 4520 days ago