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Have 2 much
Cool person very funny and just a good fwend
I was but not any more I feel I am lot close with her as a bestie then as a lover
Haanim hanen CJ and boys imti other imti cormac
First want to say best touch rugby coach and he is a laanie
Send your pin I will invite u
Imti and girl haanim
Girl or boy
Very cute very very good fwend makes me happy and makes me laugh
Cormac he is the giant of the school lolz
I don't know who is the laanie is lolz
I don't know what will happen to u guys but if the girl I like dies I wount survive .
Don't know her 2 good sounds like a good fwend
Very funny likes 2 hand off people like 2 play games and is a good fwend
I don't know any grade 6 girls and my fav grade 6 boy has 2 be the laanie
Very toll and a good rugga player and a goof fwend
I don't know why I am so amazing
Yes I do any reason why
Yes she is in the opposites just kidding love u chelsey
Any day josh is so *exy and his hair love u josh lolz
My best bestie ever always makes me laugh always helps me buys me things lol LALA
Yes I do can u bbm me plz who ever this is
I have 2 much sorry
Very funny always wants to go Out
Very good friend always there for me
I don't know
I don't know Lolz
Don't know her 2 good but she sounds like a good friend