Chop Kick Panda. It is a movie. Not even kidding. It is a rip off of Kung Fu Panda. Chop Kick. Chop. Kick.
Made me think of you ;D
Hahahahahahahaha, Chop. Kick. Panda. Omg..... This is great :))
Wanna come to mine and give me a 68? its where you go down on me and i owe ya one ;)
Where did all of these se*ual phrases emerge from?! ;L
If you're feeling down, I'll feel you up ;)
So thoughtful ;)
Lyk kan iy hav yur close tew? Lyk foa fre3
I'm really not sure what this one means :L
Du iy git ae disscownt 4 bein ur gf? xoxoxo
dats wen u cn hav n e fng foa fre3 lol
Just a quick question are you bi ?
No sorry :L
Wer du u werk bby? I thunk Iy sees u on da corna buttt idek ay
got dun foa werkn on manny so im hea nw lol hit meh uhp xxx
It's not that your scary just seem so tired all the time :D and if I talk to you , you might be bored :3
I'm normally not tired? But talk to me if you like, it's your choice :L
Why remaining undisclosed ?! Your a great looking guy and deserve a great girl
So an anonymous website is not the answer :L I'm not that scary to actually talk to am I?
* any girl you have a crush on ?? :D
Remaining undisclosed :L
Any girl you haceca crush on ? :D
Uh, that will remain undisclosed sorry :L
I will insult myself as much as I like! And I expect you to agree with me please and thank you
Sorry not sorry.
Not my face, too ugz
Be happy with yourself and never insult yourself.. :L
Be mine?
I like faces, sorry :\
How long have you been single? Lyk srsly xox
Like, 4 years give or take.. :L
What didn't happen ?!?!? So confused .... :P
Because nothing has happened? Hence being single wut
Your single !! What happened ?
What happened? :L You mean what didn't happen....
*Wipes mouth* Do you have any gum??
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I totally know who this is ;)
Bring it
Haha, alright :L I have no problem with that.
Are you Justin Timberlake's long lost son?
Yes. Yes I am.
No but seriously I don't see the resemblance.. :L
Can someone help me out..
I can't think of much more to say right now, you don't have to publish this I just wanted you to know.
Damn right I'm publishing this. This is legitimately the nicest things anyone has ever cared to say.
I love how you have probably the worst diet ever and eat like a god damn pig but still stay so skinny (to your frustration)You have a fantastic sense of humor too, which is great, you always make me laugh.
Omg who is this?! You must know me so well?!? Like, you even know that it's to my frustration. Pls say who you are..
You're so easy to get along with and just an allround good person. I love how you're a tkd champ and you're proud of it but still modest.
Aw wow thank you <3
So most guys with good looks are pretty douchey, but you are so wonderfully nice and modest and so cool! You have an awesome voice and I love how you will just start singing sometimes in the middle of conversations.
Start singing in the middle of conversations?! Wow rude Shane.. But I must be pretty comfortable around you because otherwise I wouldn't do that. Ever :P
I don't do this, like ever, this is a first. I want to tell you how I am pretty much crazy in love with you. I've always found you so attractive, you are incredibly handsome and I've never seen anything wrong with your height.
I like my height :L but wow.. Thanks.
I know who I want to take me home!
Well I guess that's great then! :)
Wrraatttaaa ;)
Ow oi, y u bein s0 wrata foa?
Are you still single? Because marry me.
How hairy are your legs? or are you like one of those blessed people who can't grow a hair on their body? ._.
I have leg hair, yes. But I don't have anything like chest hair, a snail trail etc :L
Ever comcidered yourself as bi-se*ual? Instead of revealing this post you can always just make a Facebook status saying either yes or no if you'd prefer.
Uh, not really :P I have thought like, A-se*ual or something. But heeeellllllll naw. I just realised that slu*ting around isn't my thing nor what I like :)
youre such a cutie
:) Thank you anon.
Y r u s0 hawt?
iie nt l0l.
it keeps coming up after you reply. ugh. this website kinda s*cks RosieBarraud
Yeah, I don't really know what it is.. :P
Anyone you fancy?
Hahah, uh. Yes. But I guess she is in a relationship so....
Hey, i'm a sixteen year old girl and a virgin. Do guys respect virgins or do they think we are weird?
RESPECT! If you have lost your virginity, cool. You may have thought he was the one or something. But I'm a virgin too because i don't just want to lose it because everyone is. i want to find someone who I think is worth it :)
all your responses are gone? confused.. RosieBarraud
So am I? :L
like serious 12 inch
I don't get it. What are you talking about?
Hoolllaaaa bk bb!!
I know, if only you noticed me!!!
Being on anon can't help.. :P
I'll pray for you ;)
Hahahahaha, well aren't you lovely ;)
Aww you sweetheart, you'll find someone soon!!
Can only hope!! :P
how come you haven't been in a relationship in 5 years ??? Your amazing :)
:L I dunno. I like people at the wrong times or some shi* like that.
*no you don't know who this is!
I guess I don't then..
I always liked you but I never told you. We don't see each other anymore but the times we did were super fun and we had heaps of laughs :) I wish I had told you sooner... And in person :L
Better late than never I guess...
And what if you don't like me???
Well, we can always be friends :P
I'll think about it, I might tell you who I am one day xx
That would be good :L
A girl that likes you!! I try to contact you but you seem uninterested. I text you and talk to you on facebook but you don't seem that enthused to talk to me so I back off :(
Being on anon helps a lot xoxoxox
I love you but you never reply :(
Wot.. I don't even know who this is.. :L
No you don't!
I'm not sure what this is in response to but I'm as*uming its to do with me not texting you back? Honestly. I never use my phone. Ask anyone :L
Who r ue?!?
I text you but you never reply :(
D: IM SORRY!! I try and get motivated to use my phone but I just don't use it much at all anymore.... Who is this?
I love your sas* <3 sas*y Bit**
Hahahahaha, I think I know who this is.. ;)
Whats the longest relationship that you've had??
Well, I haven't been in a relationship for nearly 5 years. But it was 6 months :L
What happened in truth or dare?!
What didn't happen?
I also know where you live...
:L uh.. Ok?
who do you have a crush on????
Facebook me and you shall know! :)
Are you traumatized from that incident in truth or dare in tauranga shaneo? ;P
;) I totally know who this is and no! Great time! Hahahahaha
You are actually so bloody lovely and cute! I talked to you when you worked at cotton on a couple of times, but I got so nervous! Talking to you gives me butterflies...
Hahaha, aww anon!! Don't be afraid to talk to me! I love talking and meeting new people :L
I hate how you are so cute and you talk about wanting someone and shi* but when we try you just meh, shrug it off. like, we aren't that bad are we? haha
Well, girls today are do cryptic. I mean seriously. If you think they like you, they just want to be friends. If you think they just want to be friends they like you. What ever happened to just telling people. I just kinda got sick of getting let down. Ha.
Thoughts on cellulite??
Uh.. I couldn't care less? :L
would you rather.. eat worms or address a crowd of 100 in your underwear? RosieBarraud
Address a crowd of 100 in my underwear!! That would be interesting :L
You're amazing. I'd love to get to know you but i've tried, you didn't seem interested. Why do boys avoid the girls that would be great at relationships? I guess i'm not your type.
Just straight up tell me who you are. Facebook me :)
Would you date someone who is younger than you??
Sure :) why not!
I remember when you used to think you were mean at rugby. You weren't :)
I never thought I was mean at rugby :L
I never even really enjoyed the sport.. Thanks anyway though :)
If you want. Or what if you could have like a self wiping as*hole? What would you choose?
Probably the flame.. The other option is just extremely creepy :L
Oh...what if you could make it so your hair was just a constant flame? That shi* would be cool.
;) I like the way you think anon! I can turn it on and off though. Right?
hmm, nope :D ask me questions till you figure it out. probably the last person you'd ever guess. mwahahaha.
I'd rather you just say. Or you can stay anonymous. Either way doesn't bother me :L
So you wouldn't make your **** bigger?
Odd question, but no I wouldn't. I know it's big enough :L
good thing I didn't come off of anon then huh ;)
welcome cute stuff.
I guess you still should though ;L
If you could change any part of your body, what part of your body would you change and how?
Quite honestly, I like the way I am. I have decided to start working out though because a bit of muscle never hurt anyone ;)
yup, lets get married then :) its a plan hehe!
Hahah, someone else seems to be on my account so that wasn't me. But you comment before was so kind and nice and just :D thank you.
haha, oh, you think my anonymous face huh? pretty cute ;)
It's bbn xox
you're so cute, would you ever consider dating? xx
Of course I would date.. :L
why are you so cute looking omg.
Why are you? :)
From your favorite green belt at Richmond taekwondo :p
Ahh hahah. Hey buddy!
you are a cutie pie. i love you and miss seeing you every saturday omg. guess who xxxx
Beth?! ;D
Awkward if it isn't...
Sure am :) And happy to be. I'd rather lose my virginity to someone who I wouldn't regret.
*fave ;)
I don't get it :L
who do you or your mates consider some of the hottest girls in Blenheim . single or not and year 12s ? and don't say everyone is beautiful ha
Well, I really wouldn't know my mates opinions on this matter. But to be quite honest, I'm not really too sure.. Facebook me? :L I could probably drop a few names...
Who would win in a fight? Braedon O'Brien or Stefan O'Brien? From you face green belt!!! P.s don't listen to the haters bro! You could knock them out in one kick!!! Xo
I can confidently say that I would bet a lot of money on Braedon O'Brien :) I don't really understand the part about "green belt" but thanks for the question! :D
I love you bro. You're the coolest guy out, and one of my closest friends. These f*****s hiding behind their computer screens are the real homos bro. Knock them out in seven seconds cuz. - Delbo
Hahahahaha ;) Thanks buddy.
Two questions. First, why did you make something like this and expect only butterflies and kisses as comments? Second, why do you get replying to people who say shi* about you?
First answer; That's a really stupid question.. Point out to me exactly where I said anything of the sort that I only want people telling me how amazing they think I am? Oh, I didn't. But hate over anonymous messaging via internet is kind of pathetic. You know?
Second answer; I'm as*uming you mean why do I keep replying to people who are saying shi* about me? Simple, because everyone deserves to have their question answered if they took the time to write it. :)
Ooooooooooooooooooh-oh-woah-oh-wah-ha-a-woah- ho!
Uhh... :L Okay.
Your a cool guy. Sorta dawned on me recently.
Well, you must be a cool guy/girl too then :)
Shane is perf~ so no one cares what anyone else thinks
That is the nicest thing I have heard :)
Thank you <3
trust me you won't be a homo wit dem, you will be da flyest guy alive
Fo sho' ;)
Oh, come on Shano. A retard? That's fairly rough mate. I was only trying to lend a hand.
Obviously wasn't aimed at you then <3
get on my Dic*
Rather not buddy..
personally i think my headphones are cooler. dey r pink. who doesn't love dat shi*. u jealous? it's ok i can hook u up
;) Please? Might be able to add to my image of looking like SUCH a homo. Hahaha.
f*** off with your hate guys, seriously? Do really you have nothing better to do? Why hate on him, he is a great guy and you obviously can't see that.
<3 Thank you! I guess people need to feel good about themselves one way or another.. And anonymous messaging someone over the internet seems to be the only way to vent. It doesn't effect me :L
omg you are so f***ing annoying hahahahah
Okay keyboard warrior.
I can stick up for how ever I feel like ok? It means that I am a better person than you will ever be anon. (This wasn't aimed for you Shane)
<3 You should Facebook me so I know who you are! :)
how is anything that anon said illiterate ? lol. stop using big words to make yourself look smart. it aint working buddy (:
What's so hard about writing you not "ya"? And your grammar is terrible. A great example.
No you don't, pal. It's really in your best interests that you don't find out who I am. I'm a real reckless fella.
I think the words you are looking for to describe yourself is retarded coward. Ha.