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I don't have any in mind:)
No one:) xx
I love children but when girls get to 12 they become irritating coz they think they can do wat they want
273ecdf2 :) xx
AlL thE gradE 11 that I'm friendss with arE adoRabLe:) xx I'm not really friends with the matrics of 2011*
Ask her:)
Haha depends what u meanin*
I have thousands:) most of my frienDs arE my bbF:) buT I have 4 that are likE know eveRythiNg<3. Akhona, CharisSa, Teneil and Michela Cruzi*:)
I don't have enemies:)*
Lmao!!* u far from my size sweethearT:) try iN uR 36's:)* not push up just alil paded* theN talk to me again:)
No u don't! What's it
I honestlY don't caRe what guesSes u guys come up with:):) I don't see what difference its goin to make a differEnce in yoUr life sweety:):) sooo noope its not important:)
We made up that on our menU
I lovE greeNies but prefeR broWnies with mealieS in thEm wayne! Hahaha butT faCe for africa
WelL woUld help if I kneW who u werE:)* buT u beautifuL inside + ouT, frienDly, crazy and fun to be around* :):) x
UM... Random laugH..* I'm goOd:) hopEfuyLly u are toO!:)*
If she eatS poO with me thEN I'll flipPen LOVE her=))
Its not important:)
AnD shanNon MchuGh lovES yoOo toO<3 xx
SiNg me aN appLe soNg:) :D
I lovE much mOre<3*
TelL me about it:P hahaha* not that I havE:)
I'm not a vibrateR:)
AwW yoU toO my angEl<3
Wouldn't u like that:)
MY frieNds and FamilY:)
What does it matter??:)*
I'll make u food:)
Hahahaha* uM I do?? LoL* I'm watchinG tv :)
AnD u arE toO:)*
Random, crazy, lovable
ThaT I do anything for guys:)
No one:)