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Shántrá Mimi McMilk


Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

Hi hw many bfs u got

Hahahahahaha LoL hahahaha #I rEaLLy am LaUghinG by d waY LoL.... I havE onE bf, I dnT bLv in bEinG gReeDy!

Shantra_Mimi_McMilk replied 4880 days ago

Aaah standwa se heart yami!! wait-- -- usase ngiso nje? O derz nomre space 4 mineh dr? Showstoppa

Aaaaah swEEty wam nEh, theRe'LL aLwaYs bE sPaCe 4 Y0U... Ngamane ba Phume b0nKe kUsaLe wEna!!!

Shantra_Mimi_McMilk replied 4880 days ago

U nt a real virgin nw r u?

Ummmmh... Izz daT a staTemEnt oR qUesTi0n??? AcTuaLLy, EithEr oR it aint n0nE ov uR biZ babe! WheTheR I kEePz it LoCkEd oR rUn a vaLLy sErviCe, tiZ mY pRer0gativE.

Shantra_Mimi_McMilk replied 4880 days ago 1

Watz ur best friends name?

LoL... BeSt waT??? NaH naH ShWeeTy, Ünf0rTunaTeLy Im n0T naïve enUf t0 tittLe ppL aZ ma BeStiEz n0 moRe... Ku rUff in dS LyF, BeSt fwEnD iZ a syn0nym f0R w0rSt enEmy!!

Shantra_Mimi_McMilk replied 4880 days ago 1

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Its[1] not [2] pOssibLe[3]... I thnK thRz m0rE t0 wh0 I am than jsT thReE w0rDz!

Shantra_Mimi_McMilk replied 4890 days ago 3

What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?

LoL... Ummmh, I dnT thnK anY ov Em havE evEr bEen TrUe, Rum0uRz aRe JsT hEaRsaY afTer aLL.

Shantra_Mimi_McMilk replied 4890 days ago