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Chookin is my one an only

2.7k Replies

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

Brad passing away

Sharmz99 replied 3294 days ago

What got you upset recently?

A person that broke me

Sharmz99 replied 3309 days ago

Who and when was your first kiss ?

Year 7 or 8 nick k

Sharmz99 replied 3319 days ago

How do you plan on ending this year ?

Getting smashed and telling that person I love them

Sharmz99 replied 3348 days ago

What is your purpose ?


Sharmz99 replied 3354 days ago

How do you think you are most likely to die?


Sharmz99 replied 3359 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't screw your life up

Sharmz99 replied 3366 days ago

Whats your addiction?

Need to know bases

Sharmz99 replied 3368 days ago

Battery percentage on your phone?


Sharmz99 replied 3370 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

My gold diamond ringssss fckk

Sharmz99 replied 3377 days ago

Thoughts? Quintind99

You are the best kid you are so loyal and perfect I love how we have our old bond back from our last fight I love you heaps you deserve the world !!

Sharmz99 replied 3383 days ago 1

Are you a selfish person ?

Yes mother.fu.cker what's mine is mine

Sharmz99 replied 3386 days ago 1

Your song of the day?

Drake- all me

Sharmz99 replied 3386 days ago

What’s the most marvellous thing you have ever seen ?


Sharmz99 replied 3390 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

A future

Sharmz99 replied 3393 days ago