sharni smith
The last thing you bought ?
I heard you bashed latisha, is that true?
It wasn't even a punch on really it was pathetic. But I guess you could say I bashed her I actually got hits in and she was a little ***** :')
What are you allergic to?
Name anyone you dated in the past ?
I'm soulless.
What was your last dream about ?
Some fried as* ****..
Hahah pretty sure meg would say the same about you ****.
True ahahah.
At what age do you want to get married ?
Hopefully by the time I'm in my 20's. :-)
What do you love the most?
My little brother.
Where do you want to live when you older?
Not sure? Under the sea?
How can meg be ****ed in the head?
Just in some ways..
Biggest regret?
How i treated Nate when he was locked up.
Sharni is beautifulllllllllll, Keep your chin up pretty girl! Love you loads, always here! xx crystalmeth01
AW i love you to xx
Honest thoughts on Meg Briscoe?
She is pretty good chick, :)
can be a bit ****ed in the head sometimes tho..
Perfect! and such a funny one! xx
What is your tumblr
ahaha i forgot sorryyyy
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
Many times
Hey your really cute but never reply
who are you? :)
I wanna bemd you over
Can u even count how many boys u have ****ed?
Yep. Because I'm not as much of a **** as people make me out to be or as I make myself out to be. You're the one hiding behind you're screen trying to hurt other people because your stuck in your miserable life. Aha its pathetic
Wgat size are your boo*s
Hi it's Jacob Kidman lets have rough an*** *ex please please please?
Ew .
I'm now following your tumblr
Cool me
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
i would if i had one to :(
i did but it still didnt come up with anything
copy and paste the link to your tumblr on here that way i can follow you
Is it true you wanna bash Meg Briscoe?
No way i love that nigga! im over **** geting made up about me and ****ing up my life :(
it didnt come up with anything when i tried to find your tumblr
try sharnibearxx.
What's your tumblr?
Can I s*ck Your Toes?
ew no yuck. no none touches my feet.
Such a hottie, Damn girl more photos on fb please ;)
you wish ;)
What would you like to ask God?
why such a ****?
you are beautifulllllllllllllllll xx
Thoughts? xx 493839
you are lovely and pretty xx
i love you.
thats a bit cute.
you're cute wanna root?
how bout' nooooooooo.
you are perf, wish i was good enough for you..
umm.. whos this? and im not trust me.
seem really nice :)
you are pretty attractive.
should chill or talk more? :)
really funny :)
you have amazing t***....
um.... ty?
meet up one day?
if i knew who you were maybe :)
That thing that irritate you about your friend?
yeah i do wish ;)
Haha inbox me,?
Thoughts on Meg Briscoe.
Well, we used to be so close and I miss,that!,but she is perfect and beautiful.
add more photos to facebook *exy ones aye ;)
You wish aye, ;)
How's your bf? Should cheat without telling him??
Fine and no way.
How much is currently in your bank account?
none ya.
What's your snapchat?
You are perfect! So beautiful! You don't need ****s who dog you. Honestly you are the best girl in the world! You need to be happy! You have pulled you're head in so much,! I thought you would never change and stay a chat. PROVED ME WRONG! mwah xx
Nawh!!! Thanks you! Should tell me who this is though! :)
How do you feel about dating exes?
they are you're ex for a reason.. But some times if they are lucky the get a second chance but I'm not big on second chances
What was your last date like?
The term is Sorry* correction b itch Rangaa
soz hoe.
Every time you answer a qooh, it posts on my Facebook profile! :( Rangaa
Soz man. :(
How's it hangin 😉
Goood aye bruzzy cuz n I g g a, yo!
who has the smallest d i c k you've ever seen?
Can you do me a favor and leave.
who has the smallest **** you've ever seen?
Lol. Wot.
why? whats the point it in...itll be ignored like always, anyway im done...sorry for bothering you
ive tried and tried just gotta over it by now
****ing inbox me.
Put in all the time and effot to get rejected each and every time, i guess i just cant win with some people
Can you please inbox me so we can talk about this :(
I don't know who it is and,I feel bad. How,do you know if I did or not?
Just inbox meeee.
How long did your last call last?
2 hours
We might not be friends but, grow the fu*k up. I've known Sharni long enough to know that yeah, she has made mistakes, and I've seen her lose a lot of friends, but she dosent deserve to kill herself, she's gone through enough, ****s Mady_Wilkie
Awh thanks man.
A Movie that made you cry?
the ring.
Sorry if I forgot to ask anonymously
Who took your virginty?
you're business because?
just message me on facebook and ask? maybe?
you really dont deserve friends do you? like wow sharni you always mange to **** them up.
yeah i know.
Can you please do us all a favour and kill yourself you **** face dog.!.!.!. :) xoxox
Seems legit. Fishy fanny flap face. :) go **** yourself.
Leave Sharni alone you **** heads! Rangaa
I deserve it.
You are a stupid mutt. I hope you die ****.
Oi its Brodie how bout **** off an leave her alone yeah cool cheers
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Scaring the **** out of people
And seeing my best friend
Would you let a guy *** in you if he said that he couldn't have kids?
What the ****?
You're a lovely person and nice :)
Plus you already asked me this ahha
Something you plan on never doing again?
Peeing in a bush...
Thoughts on Meg Briscoe xx
She was my best friend and I miss the way she used to be the happy funny fun girl.. M she changed.
You have asked me this already -.- ahhaha aw
I do inbox you you just don't know who i am ;) and your not going to find out any time soon :p
Should I be worried or? Haha
Are you a slu*?
okay xox
go kill yourself.
Okay! xo
Doesnt luke like jemmy zaro?
meh. you should inbox me. hahaha :-)
date meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
is it true about you and John?
depends on what you have heard..
read my other ones? about three other people have asked me ahaha aw ahah but yes luke willett.
who are you crushing on babe?
luke willett.. haha aw
spit or swallow?
can you not?
Thoughts on Chereece Doyle? Hah.
she was really nice when i met her. seems like a pretty mad chick.
Go on snapchat please
why? can you stop?
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
If a guy found out that he had cancer and he was gonna die from it and he asked you to have se* with him because he doesn't wanna die a Virgin would you?