How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
half life 3 confirmed
thoughts on darbo?
hes a good dancer
Do you remember dmat at the passion project thing in year 7?
no sorry
How sharp are you?
i have no clue
why not?
my decision. not yours
why aren't your friends with Chelsea anymore?
not answering
Your next smartphone?
I don't know
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
what the **** is game of thrones?
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
my pet rock died
The most boring person you know?
my koosh is better than laims
Girl Best to Talk too?
who is ur favorite girl?
don't know
Who would you take a bullet for?
Marcus Gleeson
most improved? hm
MVP at united lel
wow didn't expect you to reply at this time of night. but yeah im doing fine thank
haha I dunno... it's good I guess! jessposteraro
ayden got most improved
yeh just to good haha I'm better jessposteraro
do you like my qooh me pic of ayden
ellohay arpysay
Marcus Gleeson how are we today sir
haha lel sickk :)
lel im pretty good
how did you know that was me haha jessposteraro
I just had a feeling haha
are you coming tonight?
to fordys homework rave **** oath
I want to get your ginger pubes stuck in my teeth
On a scale of 1 to benny mustang's hair, how hot is Lucas Butts?
same maths class. you're pretty nice I guess
I don't really know anymore :(
Thoughts on Ben Costa
Hes a good dancer
No appearance today mate jackthomson
No unfortunately. I will make my return tommorow