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It's okay, it's alright. It's true terror in the middle of the night. Give in if it makes you feel better. So surrender, so surrender.

53 Replies

Shaun is alive!! After 152 days!! alexo.


Shaunicle replied 3459 days ago

What one thing do you need to do next?

Make amends

Shaunicle replied 3460 days ago

A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?

Cracking my knuckles/fingers and the joints in my back and neck. I don't think it's helpful in anyway, and it's like an itch to me.

Shaunicle replied 3619 days ago

No shaun
its actually
he walked
jk rowling alexo.


Shaunicle replied 3628 days ago

How did harry potter get down the hill alexo.

He flew

Shaunicle replied 3630 days ago

Hey shaun u wanna hear a harry potter joke alexo.

Shaunicle replied 3631 days ago

Music class analysis continued.. Shaunicle

Curtley Hughes - I love and hate how he doesn't care about his grades. Sometimes I think he doesn't belong in a music class, and would probably be lost without Matt. He spends most of his time in the common room playing poker or dragon ball.. Very Productive.

Matt Mitchell - Cool kid who I've never felt hostile toward. Really good at theory and aural (I think) and good on him for shaving his head.

Lisa Woods - Awesome gal, who's in my music AND bio class. Really good at bio and really fun to sit near in music. Always has a lot of sass.

Evette Harris - Also in my bio class. Another rad girl who is nice on the inside.. I think? Sometimes she says rude things then laughs and I'm not sure whether it's sarcasm, even though I'm the master of sarcasm :S

Shaunicle replied 3639 days ago

Music class analysis continued.. Shaunicle

Kate Fyander - Has a gorgeous voice! Very pretty and seems nice and sociable.

Margaret Liu - Super talented! Really nice and down to Earth. Wish I had perfect pitch :'( Keep on working on that theory ;p

Shaunicle replied 3639 days ago

What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?

Stop being so selfish with your problems and respect that others haven't had the experiences that you've had. In other words, stop acting a whiney little baby when you're not up to participating in the activities that your friends do. Your passive-aggressive attitude is really frustrating to deal with. I'm sure it'll also agitate anyone you have to work with later on in life.

Shaunicle replied 3639 days ago

I know your teleportation secret

NOOOOOO! I needed that to be kept secret..

But who is this? I remember telling someone something about teleportation as a joke!

Shaunicle replied 3639 days ago

Since you always write super long answers :)
what do u think of everyone in your music class?

Is this the same person who asked for my thoughts on who was the best performer, who mu favourite band buddy is, and Jess? What I'm going to be writing about each person will be very little, and sometimes nothing.

Caitlyn Ashby - Shes very polite and modest, I feel.

Lea Beattie(probably misspelt) - Unique person! She is very excitable and puts forth a very human front. She shows compassion for all beings(I think), and is friendly up front. Sometimes I think she would be one to have ideas that are too radical, but that's part of her passion. Jirene Beh - Really chill and friendly. Easy to talk to but is contagiously distracting when she cracks up laughing during "tests".

Emily Burger - I never talk to her one on one so I don't know what she's like. From observing her talking to others, I would say she's cheery and sweet. She also has a really nice tone on flute!

To be continued...

Shaunicle replied 3639 days ago

how are you deep shaun? i am a shallow puddle


Shaunicle replied 3639 days ago 1

favourite band friend? Girl and Guy, Stage and Symphonic.

Jaaz Tobias-Quigley. We sit next to each other making fun of others during Symph, and on other sides of the sax section during Stage. I swear half of the time that he's making jokes, they're jokes that only him and I would understand. We have a lot of inside jokes about nearly every person in our year level which makes us sound like bad people, but we just enjoy a laugh!

Other close contenders were Dema and Steve, but Steve stands in Tristan's shadow far too often and Dema's too far away in both groups. Dema is the one I'm closest too at the moment; he's in three of my classes and his locker is just upstairs from mine. What a boss dogga.

But yeah nah Jaaz wins because I can actually communicate with him during rehearsals..

Shaunicle replied 3643 days ago

hyW hv'tnae oyu eben ta ?ciRcus

Four reasons:

• Anna has been *****y lately. I can deal with it, but when I just want to chill out and not be pushing myself hard every class, its going to turn me off Ruccis. I'm not paying her to agitate me..

• I've had other interests lately and I've also lost interest in Ruccis. Both because Anna is turning me off it and because there are just more fun things to do (bio and further wooo,) Ruccis just isn't interesting at the moment.

• I've been busy trying to do my best at school. I'm aiming high, especially in Bio, so I need to work super hard.

• I've been physically exhausted as of late. It could be my late nights studying and my 5:30 wake up Tuesday morning which is the same day as Ruccis. Do I really want to go and sweat my as* off after such a long day?

This is on the down low btw. Don't want Anna knowing what I think of her at the moment. DO YOU GUYS MISS ME!? <3

Shaunicle replied 3643 days ago

What is your nickname?

It's in the url!
But most of the time people just call me Shaun. Sorry for not having a sick nick name :)

Shaunicle replied 3643 days ago