Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Make amends
Cracking my knuckles/fingers and the joints in my back and neck. I don't think it's helpful in anyway, and it's like an itch to me.
Curtley Hughes - I love and hate how he doesn't care about his grades. Sometimes I think he doesn't belong in a music class, and would probably be lost without Matt. He spends most of his time in the common room playing poker or dragon ball.. Very Productive.
Matt Mitchell - Cool kid who I've never felt hostile toward. Really good at theory and aural (I think) and good on him for shaving his head.
Lisa Woods - Awesome gal, who's in my music AND bio class. Really good at bio and really fun to sit near in music. Always has a lot of sass.
Evette Harris - Also in my bio class. Another rad girl who is nice on the inside.. I think? Sometimes she says rude things then laughs and I'm not sure whether it's sarcasm, even though I'm the master of sarcasm :S
Kate Fyander - Has a gorgeous voice! Very pretty and seems nice and sociable.
Margaret Liu - Super talented! Really nice and down to Earth. Wish I had perfect pitch :'( Keep on working on that theory ;p
Stop being so selfish with your problems and respect that others haven't had the experiences that you've had. In other words, stop acting a whiney little baby when you're not up to participating in the activities that your friends do. Your passive-aggressive attitude is really frustrating to deal with. I'm sure it'll also agitate anyone you have to work with later on in life.
NOOOOOO! I needed that to be kept secret..
But who is this? I remember telling someone something about teleportation as a joke!
Is this the same person who asked for my thoughts on who was the best performer, who mu favourite band buddy is, and Jess? What I'm going to be writing about each person will be very little, and sometimes nothing.
Caitlyn Ashby - Shes very polite and modest, I feel.
Lea Beattie(probably misspelt) - Unique person! She is very excitable and puts forth a very human front. She shows compassion for all beings(I think), and is friendly up front. Sometimes I think she would be one to have ideas that are too radical, but that's part of her passion. Jirene Beh - Really chill and friendly. Easy to talk to but is contagiously distracting when she cracks up laughing during "tests".
Emily Burger - I never talk to her one on one so I don't know what she's like. From observing her talking to others, I would say she's cheery and sweet. She also has a really nice tone on flute!
To be continued...
Jaaz Tobias-Quigley. We sit next to each other making fun of others during Symph, and on other sides of the sax section during Stage. I swear half of the time that he's making jokes, they're jokes that only him and I would understand. We have a lot of inside jokes about nearly every person in our year level which makes us sound like bad people, but we just enjoy a laugh!
Other close contenders were Dema and Steve, but Steve stands in Tristan's shadow far too often and Dema's too far away in both groups. Dema is the one I'm closest too at the moment; he's in three of my classes and his locker is just upstairs from mine. What a boss dogga.
But yeah nah Jaaz wins because I can actually communicate with him during rehearsals..
Four reasons:
• Anna has been *****y lately. I can deal with it, but when I just want to chill out and not be pushing myself hard every class, its going to turn me off Ruccis. I'm not paying her to agitate me..
• I've had other interests lately and I've also lost interest in Ruccis. Both because Anna is turning me off it and because there are just more fun things to do (bio and further wooo,) Ruccis just isn't interesting at the moment.
• I've been busy trying to do my best at school. I'm aiming high, especially in Bio, so I need to work super hard.
• I've been physically exhausted as of late. It could be my late nights studying and my 5:30 wake up Tuesday morning which is the same day as Ruccis. Do I really want to go and sweat my as* off after such a long day?
This is on the down low btw. Don't want Anna knowing what I think of her at the moment. DO YOU GUYS MISS ME!? <3
It's in the url!
But most of the time people just call me Shaun. Sorry for not having a sick nick name :)
She's a very nice friend and I love how much she cares about people even when she doesn't need to. That's one of her best traits and I'm really thankful for it, even though I don't pay attention to her often (I'm busy. I'm sorry D: )
Saturday, easily. Because..
Monday - Start of the working week, first day of school after a short break. Most knowledge has not been retained now I gotta relearn stuff that wasn't consolidated blah blah. My Monday nights are free, however, which is a positive point.
Tuesday - Uh oh. Lunch is free but I have a morning rehearsal pretty much every week, so I wake up at 5:30, then I have Ruccis class that night, which is circus, for those who don't read in anagrams. So I'm usual super unenergetic there these days which is not as great for my health as it could be.
Wednesdays - Chopping block. I only usually have one or two classes on this day, but then I have a saxophone lesson, an improvisation lesson, and a vocal group rehearsal, then a stage band rehearsal til 6. So yeah, big and stressful day.
Thursday - Now here's a good day. Not as good as Saturday though. No morning rehearsal. I do have one sectional on at lunchtime but it's jazz so I don't care. Time well spent. After I tend to have p4 frees on Thursdays which means I can go out early and catch up with people not from my school, or go home early and chill out/catch up on study/nap.
Friday - Most people love this day and I guess it's okay, but I usually have 4 classes and a sectional at lunch for not-jazz, and a rehearsal afterwards for not-jazz. Ehhh..
Saturday - Best day hands down. Free time errywhere, even if I'm usually earning cash. It's like heaven but doesn't have the same anxious undervibes that Sunday does.
Sunday - Oh god okay I'll take it easy in the morning then ease into that homework that I should've started on last night. Wait, ****. Mum's home from work? Doesn't she get home at 4ish? Wait, it's 4:30!? ****TTTT.. Okay don't panic just uhh get as much work done as you can.
So yeah Sundays s*ck.
Dylan Shama-Llama Freeman thank god.
A lovely young lady from work :)
My tonsils. Hue hue hue.
Most parts of my body are necessary dude.
Let's see she sits next to me in sympho so I'm sure I'll throw this set of views out the window for another soon. Generally she gives off a chaotic vibe I feel. Things going on around her seem to feel a little unsettled? I mean I'm sure she's a kind person and that she means the best at heart, but from the things I've heard about her doing over the past couple of weeks, she doesn't seem as chill as she did originally. I'll have to see how we work together to gain a more accurate judgment of her personality. Also I always mess up her last name, so sorry in advance Jess.
Hey, nice question dude! Tristan Webb is the best performer in the half of the class (males) I watch perform/ perform to. He's the best because he can hold his composure on stage, and not fuss over issues like cracked notes when he's in the moment. Each of us except Tristan have our own signature issues on stage- Dema squints at every mistake and his lazy eye gives everything away, Stephen has massive eyebrow raise syndrome, and Jaaz smiles and laughs and frowns a lot. Very expressive. As for me, no one's said anything but I think I probably look really awkward and flustered on stage.
Also Adam is good at performing, though he groans or swears every time he smacks a wrong note, escalatingly so! Nevertheless his performances have been the most amazing of the group. Tristan has the best performing skills, he just hasn't performed such difficult works like Adam has. Four mallet percussion is no joke..
No, there would be too many people and activities that I would regret pulling myself away from. Not much to say here..
On another note, whichever staff of qoohme that created this question didn't double check their selection of words. Surely they could've worded it in a better way?
I assume we're talking about things like concealer and foundation, or whatever they're called? I think there are a lot of girls out there that wear make up every day that just don't need to, to look great. Whatever they choose to do is cool since it's their body but it's wrecking their skin and is only a temporary solution, similar to applying deodorant after a run instead of choosing not to do any exercise at all :3 On the other hand, minimal makeup to cover up blemishes and whatnot is pretty unnoticeable and not invasive. When I see a girl with not so great skin, but wearing little to no make up, and still smiling and having fun and not caring, I gain a lot of respect for them. That's a bold move and you go girl *clicks* But seriously I could completely honestly tell about 60% of my female friends that they would look just as good without makeup. One exception I'll make to my general judgment is using makeup to conceal birthmarks, burns or injuries.
If we're talking about mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow, no, keep using it if it's not over the top because it looks amazing when done right and it enhances your features rather than mushing them into one blended espresso. Not a good kind of espresso either.
I've left this in my inbox for some time, and that's because I didn't want to answer it when I wasn't in the mood to be writing a good, detailed response. I have some free time now though, and even though I'm still not in the best mood to be typing out my thoughts, I'll write one. It's gonna be long!
This is a pretty broad question so I'll try to cover all the bases. I'm pretty much just gonna type what I'm thinking and not look back.
What do I like about listening to music?
Sometimes when I've got a lot of **** on my mind, I need to chill out. I'm a pretty chill guy generally but I still get stressed out.. Only occasionally though ;p Music can help a lot with relaxing. Another thing is I'm generally not a very sociable person toward people that aren't good friends, so I don't talk to people anyway, but yeah, putting your earphones in and listening to a great tune on almost full blast can be amazing to relieve stress and escape from real issues. Music is seriously one of the best things in life. It's so therapeutic and fun and so broad. There are such a wide range of emotions that a song or tune can convey or evoke. It can make people cry, dance, laugh or sing. It's so powerful, and it's all around us. I'm so sympathetic for the deaf as well, because a world without music, let alone sound, is no kind of world I'd like to live in.
When I'm on my way to school on the morning, I get such a good feeling chucking on some beautiful, soothing music. That's something I love about music. Another thing is, music brings people together. People go to concerts and mosh together. People go to dancing classes of genres they're all interested in, and groove it out. People of similar musical tastes band together and gravitate toward each other. I've made some of my best friends through my interest in jazz, and for that I'm thankful. Music truly is awesome.
What do I like about playing music? Pretty much what I was just talking about above. I've played musical instruments since I was in grade 2, so that's since 2005 when I was 8 years old. I didn't really like both playing and listening to music to begin with. But since around year 7 I started developing a broader interest in musicians, and I also took up sax for real and dropped clarinet (I started playing sax in grade 4 but that was very introductory.) If I didn't play saxophone, and then go to Blackburn where my siblings all went (for music, too, mostly) then I wouldn't have been interested in jazz, and I wouldn't have met Jaaz and all the amazing people I know today as my friends. Music brings people together yeah? It's sick!
I don't know who asked me this question, or what kind of response you expected but music is something I'm really passionate about so there's your long response. I feel you'd get to understand why I like music so much if I spoke about some of the artists which have been the most influential in my life..
--The Cat Empire (Jazz based) - These guys are just wow. My family and I have been listening to them for my whole life, and I still love them. ALL of their albums are amazing, even if some of their new stuff is a little different. The oldies are the goldies, but everything they produce is on my ipod. If I didn't have the empire, I don't know where I would be in life. Seriously, look them up. Search Fishies, Days Like These, Sly, How To Explain, Chariot, Miserere, Intro, Lullaby, Song for Elias, The Crowd and of course, their biggest hit ever was Hello. Sorry but there are just SO MANY AMAZING tracks.
--Ball Park Music (Indie??) - I only got into these guys around year 10 but dayum they have some really feel good music. Their lead singer, Sam Cromack is swaggy and has a really nuanced voice. They make really energetic music - the kind that gets stuck in your head for days. Their "Happiness and Surrounding Suburbs" album is ****ing gold, every single track. Favourite songs would include "Literally Baby"<---Linked--->"Happy Healthy Citizen of the Developed World Blues", "It's Nice to be Alive", iFly, "Culture Vultures of the Year 2008." I do listen to their new stuff but I'm not as up to date as I probably should be.
I think Cat Empire and BPM had a massive influence on my own musicianship in terms of how I sing, because I've drawn a lot from mostly Sam's crazy singing but also Felix and Harry from Cat Empire. Otherwise a lot of what has shaped my voice has been the jazz/soul influence :)
-- Dimlite (electronic) - So I found this guy on soundcloud one day, and he made my night so chill. After I listened to one track, I just chucked on some headphones and grooved out. He does some pretty funky things with technology. His stuff is super weird and not for everyone so I understand if others don't like it, but it's great for me. Favourites are: SE SE SC (oh my god), Kitty Cradle Frog, Hubris for Hubris, Peg, Elbow Flood. Check him out at and!
--Hiatus Kaiyote (Neo-soul?) - These guys are phenomenal (as are all these people.) I was introduced to Hiatus Kaiyote by a friend in 2013, and I love em. I wish they had more music for me to enjoy, but they're going at their own pace which is cool. Definitely check them out. Nai Palm's voice is yummy, especially in Malika which - you guessed it - is my favourite work of theirs. Check 'em out!
--Tim Davies Big Band - In year 8-9 Senior Stage Band was playing a Tim Davies chart so in a tutorial one time they had him come in and play drums in the band while younger students(me) watched. We then were encouraged to watch a concert of his big band playing at Fed square, after which I felt very inspired and bought both of his albums. He's a rad composer and so has done stuff for tons of big time video games, as well as create killer charts for his own big band. Most of his music is programmatic:
--Chet Faker
--Chrome Sparks (electronic)
--Clean bandit (pop)
--Elixir (Soprano singer + Tenor accompaniment)
--Fakear (electronic)
--Frank Ocean (pop-ish)
--FRED WESLEY OOH YEAAHHH (Funk trombone cool cat)
--The Guild League (indie)
--Hornheads ("a Capella" horn arrangements)
--Lone (electronic, polyrhythmic?)
--Lorde (pop)
--Maceo Parker YEAH (Funk sax)
--Mika (pop) - My early childhood car trips in one artist!
--Panama (electronic)
--Pentatonix (vocal group, covers of pop songs)
--Seatbelts (Big band) - These guys played the soundtrack for Cowboy Bebop
--Snarky Puppy (Jazz Fusion) - These guys are interested and play some really nice composition. Check em out 100%! Also Lalah Hathaway is a monster oh my GOD!
--Steve Reich (minimalist composition)
That's everyone important I think. But yeah, music rocks. So much of my life is about music, and without music there would just be a chunk of me missing. Thanks for asking a sick question, whoever you are. I typed a hell of a lot, huh?
A meat pie from Hong Hot Bread in Blackburn Square! Their pies are so good, especially for $3.20..
Cereal, warmth, *ex
Depends on what you define as cool. I think someone who is cool should be easily remembered as someone who has their own style, attitudes and mannerisms, and is not afraid to flaunt them.
In my year level there is so much individuality! There are guys like Luke Dema, Stephen Hives, Jaaz Tobias, who each aren't afraid to be themselves and do things their way, even if it's completely out of the ordinary. That takes a lot of confidence and that is very cool. Incidentally they're all jazz cats so maybe it's something in the music ;)
At the other end of the spectrum you have someone like Jordan Ung who may not be the most outgoing guy if you don't know him well, but he really emanates enthusiasm when you talk to him about something he's passionate about. He has his own little quirkiness about him which is so unique and respectable. That is cool *_* Idk everyone else is pretty lame ;p Those are the most unique people in year 12 that I'm familiar with.
I know all the people I discussed are bros but I mean, if I didn't feel they were cool people, then I wouldn't want to be around them, would I? WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE COOLEST, PAL?
I'm not much of a movie buff, and I can't remember how long ago the last time I watched more than half of a movie was. If I try to think back to my childhood and recall any significant films in my life, nothing comes up. I don't think I've loved any movie enough for it to have a significant impact on the way I feel or think and hence prompt me to lodge it into my memory as something special. Sorry to disappoint!
I was a little frustrated with issues at home. A couple of other things at school got me annoyed but I'm not going to talk about them on because I don't want to offend anyone. Today was a pretty good day though, despite the heat. I got a lot more work done than I thought I would and I had fun times with bros. It was a pretty hot one and I was worried for school photos but this year's was probably the best school photo I've ever had taken.
Most of the time if I'm walking around looking pissed I'm probably just reflecting on things internally, and naturally I look sullen, or so people have told me, so if that's what made you think I was angry, you were mislead. How was your day?
I'm sure there's an Annie from another school somewhere in Aus that fits that description exactly. :)
Look, there are plenty of cool cats in my level, but the coolest of the cool has to be Luke Dema. That kid is friendly, funny and has a sweet set of funk trombone licks. He also wears the same jumper and shorts combo every free dress day, and if that's not cool then I don't know what is.
We made 15.6 babies.
I did! In the evening after my shift, I met up with a girl from work and walked around the streets of Knox, then a park, and we talked for soooo long. It was really lovely and we probably stayed out way longer than what was safe but whatevs, worth.
I feel like this is a joke that I've forgotten about completely :( Who is dis and why are you worshiping me?
But muuummmmmmmm..
"That song is actually two songs mashed together. The chorus was inspired by a friend who always suffered night terrors, and the verses were inspired by the idea of having no parents and growing from the ground, like a plant. You'd have no obligations or commitments or loyalties or ties to anyone - it would be a very different world" That was a response written by Sam Cromack, lead singer of Ball Park Music, whose song Surrender features these lyrics in the hook. Up until I just now did some research, I didn't know that that was actually how it was intended to be interpreted.
I always thought it was just another line about surrendering yourself to someone else and being held in their arms so they can comfort you. I used it because I felt like it also had another meaning. "Surrender, ask me your most curious questions. It's alright. You might be scared but just ask" hahaha, kinda goofy. Also, I had it stuck in my head as I was creating my qoohme!
A lot of the girls in my year level are pretty, and I'm not gonna name the ones who I don't think are as attractive. I think the ones who have always been the most stunning in my eyes are Dylan Freeman (ily babe), Adam Wade September (How could I ever forget you), and Stephen Hives (It's all in the hair) <3
I think I'm lucky to be naturally good at quite a few things, but there also quite a few things I'm just completely rubbish at. A few are.. Ball sports, remembering dates/locations/names, keeping track of politics, keeping on top of homework, not being messy, talking to people I'm not familiar with, taking selfies, speaking fast, and not hurting myself whenever I do a handstand.
I'd like to think that they dream of frolicking in the open grass, chasing rabbits, or whatever makes them happy. Tobias (my cat) dreams a lot and I watch him and try to imagine what he could be dreaming of. Probably eventually escaping into the outside, unleashed, ready to catch some of the birds that play in our back yard.
Life's little cycles..
A good friend actually asked me this recently, and I really am convinced it's impossible to come up with a perfect answer. There are so many little things that could make a great day. My perfect day would probably have to involve a lot of *ex, and adrenaline, but every little thing would have to be perfect. I mean it's just such a large question, I can't answer it as well as I'd like to.
It was pretty nice. I met a bunch of young'ns and they were alright. It was nice to catch up with friends after such a long break. I didn't really get a taste of the sweet sweet struggle that surely will be year 12, as I didn't actually have any classes today. All admin stuff!