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Shayle Jones


ASk mE aNyThiNg YoU liKe AnOnYmoUsLy Or u CaN teLL mE SoMeThiNg ToO!_*

15 Replies

You are so awsome

Hahahahaha!_* Thankyou So Much!_* I'm sure u are 2!_*

Shayle..Q replied 3791 days ago

Oh my goodness is all your aunty can say. You are growing up so quickly!!!

Hahahaha* yea yea!_* :p

Shayle..Q replied 3797 days ago

Interesting Siany

Hahahahaha* really aunty Sian_* omw!_* story of my life_* :p

Shayle..Q replied 3797 days ago

Maybe you now from bbm but i now you dont like me now at all but i am trying to set things right with jou but i wish we could go to next ball

We will have 2 see what happens_* I don't like 2 get ahead of myself_* Nether do I make disicions so far from when its needed_* oh and BTW_i know who u are_* :p

Shayle..Q replied 3797 days ago

Like jy rrg MARNUS?

Nee ek like hom nie_* Ons is net friende_*

Shayle..Q replied 3799 days ago

Net gejoke oor die dronk ding.

Hahahahaha!_* omw_* ????

Shayle..Q replied 3799 days ago

Hay hay eks dronk kom vry my

WhAt DiE HELL!!_* EkSkUUUS!!!_* Jy het die verkeerde meisie beet hoor!_*

Shayle..Q replied 3799 days ago

Saam wie gan jy valentines ball toe????*


Shayle..Q replied 3800 days ago 1

Is dit waar dat jy van Marnus hou en as dit nie so is nie van wie hou jy ?

As jy vir my se wie jy is, sal ek dalk vir jou se_*

Shayle..Q replied 3804 days ago

Hey shayle i just want to ask If you are going to the Valentyns dans

Hey hey!_* Yes of cource I'm going to the Valentines Ball_* No one has asked me to go though_* So yea_* I'll see what happens_*

Shayle..Q replied 3809 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

I LoVe ALL my friends!_* So I actually don't have anything that irritates me when it comes 2 my friends!_* LoVe you all my buddies!!_* :*

Shayle..Q replied 3809 days ago

SHAYLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** mak reg ωαηт ons gααη KAAP TOE !!!!!!!!!!!!* ƐИ hle name mt n plank slaan !!!!!* нєнєнє eka dink j wet wi eka ιѕ ;;) нєнєнє lovies u мαιqιι♡ !!!!!* sien jw more !!!!* mwa

Hahahahaha!!!_* NaTUuRlik WeEt ek!_* :* DanQ my MaaiQ_* Liefies Jou VREESlik baie!_* en ja, ons gaan hUllE wys!!__* Passop want hier Kom Ons!!_*

Shayle..Q replied 3812 days ago

Because you are a very nice person and very *exy and awsome

Hahaha* Ok_* Thank you!_* I'm sure your pretty awesome yourself....if I just knew who u where_*

Shayle..Q replied 3813 days ago

Hey i like you very much

Hey!_* Tnx_* ping me on bbm plz_* But u probably won't so I'll just ask,,,, why?_*

Shayle..Q replied 3813 days ago

Hey_* Sup?_*

Nothing much_* hahaha*

Shayle..Q replied 3813 days ago