Sharni Wilson
Hottest person you know?
Uuhhh me obvi ;p jks jks Katie duh
What kind of cookie?
What kind of cookie would you like?
What was the best compliment you've ever received?
"You have really nice feet" #footfetish
Are you in love with anyone?
I'm in love with myself
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
Which one? Mainly all at school
What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?
Idk life
Just kidding, ily fam
ily man
But.. but.. popcorn...
Yeah but money!
2000000 dollars or a lifetime supply of popcorn but what ever you choose the opposite will never ever be availiable to you again.
The money! I could live without popcorn tbh
Wow anons be breaking out the big questions lmao
Oh yeah I know right xD
Opinions on willy, d*ck, p*nis
What about them? Not at this stage of my life thanks ;p
Opinions on p****?
On what now? ..
A song you think is overated ?
Pretty much all modern pop music though
How do you plan on ending this year ?
Welp I'll be in South Australia again so I guess that?
Yes! It was! Who do you think you'd be cute with? ;)
who do you think would be cute with caity??
I have a few people in mind ?
How do you think you are most likely to die?
I won't die. Imma be around forever btches.
Have wanted to say this for a while.. I miss you, regret changing friends during year 9. I honestly didnt realize who my true friends were until i changed groups and didnt hang out with you anymore.. you were such a good friend and i miss how close we were! Xx
We were obviously friends for a reason and now that's changed. I'm sorry for the fact that we grew apart.
If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?
Travel everywhere obviously ;p
I felt quite proud when I figured that out xD
Okay, but you got to guess who, we talked sht when you work and I linked you to stuff that makes you cringe
Omf, Kane?!
Yeah probably. Most likely
Will you answer the question if I do?
I heard it from a friend who heard it off a friend
Message me anon, let's talk
I heard you and a twin were in a relationship
And where did you hear that anon? Show yourself! ;p
Are you happy?
Happiest I've been in a while
People told me you were away coz you were sick so shhh ;)
Oops never answered this .. But I wasn't sick anyways so :)
What is your current state of mind?
Quite happy :)
Sharni I missed you so much today wtf stop being sick xx
I wasn't sick bish! I had a doctors appointment but I missed you too xx
I missed you so much today xxx Get well soon!
I missed you too anon. But I wasn't sick I just had a doctors appointment xx
r u ohkeh frendin?? xx
I will be xx
Nahhhhh your favourite was obviously me duhhhh hah jk AsianJarod
Oh my apologies of course it was :p
Who was ur fav cast member? Obvis it's me :p
Haha yes stranger it was probably you :p
Your favourite part of Pirates?
Tarantara ;) just kidding! Definitely the people and I know that's like hella cliché but it's true. I'm going to miss everyone so much D;
Who do you look up to and why ?
Oh gosh I really don't know. Probably some of my friends and my mother :)
Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?
Eyes, always
What's under your bed?
Nothing because it sits too low to the ground
If you were stuck on a island who would you want to be stuck with you and why? You only get to choose three people btw
.. Random but kay. Jarod bc bae and hilarious. Caity bc entertainment. Katie bc she's cute.
Sharrrnniiii we still don't know who you like, cough it up we won't tell anyone :p
I have no idea who this is but peoples know ;)
*cries over "thoughts on..." thing*
Thoughts on mushrooms? Huehue
.. Caity .. Mushrooms *shudders*
Thoughts on Jas Bink
Such a sweet girl and I was surprised to find out how amazing a singer she is :)
Whose sending you the 'thoughts on' questions?
I know who a few of them are :p but otherwise I have no idea because they're anons ;)
Woah woah woah what about me guys, jeez.
Thoughts on Caity? Huehue
She's my bestie and forever will be. She needs to accept compliments because she's amazing and incredibly talented. Love you bruh <3
Thoughts on Erin?
Erin is a fab piece of arse and she makes business sah much better.
Thoughts on Katie?
She's an adorable little pumpkin and needs to believe so :*
Thoughts on Maddy?
She gets excited easily and needs to calm down :p
Thoughts on Jarod?
He's a hoe but I love him :*
Thoughts on Tonya?
Love her enthusiasm and she's a great choreographer :)
Thoughts on Molly Elswyk?
Amazingly talented and a gorgeous girl :) x
Also I want to watch teen wolf!
So do I! D;
I want to go to the park!
I'll go with you!
Watcha doing?
Watching Harry Potter and talking to cute people ;)
Hey! Hey you
Hey to you too, you
what are your thoughts on ethan d
He be a cool dude B)
I need somebody with a human touch
Hey you always on the run, gotta slow it down baby gotta have some fuuunn
Just give me a name girl! tell me who you likeee Madison_OBrien
Definitely not on here!
Apparently it's not evident enough for us! xD Pls tell me, your bae AsianJarod
"Yes it's very evident" who I like? Message me if you have to :p I might tell you
Sorry for having a guess, I just see you guys hugging all the time so I just figured as such :p
Nah. He's just mah Bae. Now who are you anon?
How do you not get it! Ahah think back to the conversation with the teacher today silly! xD katieelizabeth
Ohhhhhh yeah! I completely forgot!
Bish is it not obvious at all? :p
Is it Jarrod
No it's not Jarod* :p
OooOoO Sharni who you be liking?? Cough it up!! ;)
Nup. Is this Jarod? Idk imma stop guessing cause I'm probably wrong xD
'Obviously I am, but that's completely besides the point' katieelizabeth
Obviously what? I'm confuzzled ..
Who do you like? ;)
Kay this is either Caity or Maddy ..
That would be confidential information sorry :p
What cheers you up ?
Ranting about shiz/life to friends mainly haha
do you like anyone atm?
Maybs ;)
They're the best books aren't they katieelizabeth
So far they're pretty good xD
What's your favourite thing you got done today? katieelizabeth
Uhh read another two chapters of Harry Potter? Haha I didn't do much :p
Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?
Wouldn't change a thing so ugly and live forever :p
I know! Haha but I hope that anon can work it out and that their camel is not as creepy and saying they love them and shizzle.
What do you do when you're not interested in someone and they keep pestering you and keep trying to flirt with you?
Tell them not to be a camel? Jk. Tell them kindly and clearly that you're not interested and can't see the relationship going any further than just a friendship. If they don't listen and keep going .. Then tell them not to be a camel ;)
You're beautiful! Stop thinking you aren't!
I never said I wasn't. Not that I am but ya know :p But thank you lovely :) x
And dude what the heck did you actually feckin' call me a flakey fish stick?! TheMadHattress
Maybz babez ;)
Pretty sure I accidentally just sent a message calling you a $exy "mana"... Hopefully I turned off aeroplane mode in time and it didn't send... TheMadHattress
Accidentally Ey? Yeah it sent xD
YOU'RE A $exY MANA <-- those compliments of course ;) x TheMadHattress
Wot .. Are you high?
Best compliment you ever received ?
Compliments pffffft what compliments :p
No you didn't, you peppered mushroom. You're fab as heck and will always be fab as heck and that's that now chillllll ❤️ TheMadHattress
Yus I did, you flakey fish stick! But thank you very muchhhh ❤️
Just a daily reminder to... stahp stressing over Genie in a Bottle and sterfs you're fiiiinneeee xx TheMadHattress
I still s*cked :p
Noooooo stahp!!!!
Love you too sweetie ❤️❤️
Just because
Well that's mean ..
Dream holiday destination ?
Current mood?
You should take the time to stop, right now, and realise just how amazing you are! To make this a question, do you know that you are the most thoroughly beautiful person I know?
Thank you very much mysterious person. ;) I am quite flattered by your sweetness. I am sure whoever you are, that you are too. ;)
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
Dayum .. Too many of them. You all know who you are. Let's just say that ;)
Sharni I missed you today, beautiful! Hope all is going okay and you're well <3 TheMadHattress
I missed you too lovely. I love youuu <3
What do you s*ck at?
...Salmonella! Hahahaha the other day I cracked some eggs and mum goes "careful not to leave them too long or they'll get salmonella" or something. I may or may not have started laughing hysterically and she was so confused. What are you up to?
Hahaha that's the best ;) watching Gossip Girl haha
Where do fish keep their money?
In the riverbank
Bit random, but if we are talking about the same song then travelin' soldier is AMAZING BrookeIsabella
Yes it really is. I'm thinking about covering it soon when I get the chords down on piano!
favorite song of all time?
This is a ridiculous question! I have too many favourites! But my favourite at the moment is Travelin' Soldier. I've been a bit addicted .. Oops XD