Do u hv a bf at da mment?
Lol bt no.
What do you think boys like and dislike, hate and love about you?
I thnk ey me coz am frndly nd dnt lyk coz i dnt tk **** 4rm em.lv me coz am a gud lvn persn nd h8 me coz ey cnt resist me lolest.
If u ever get to rewind time, what would you wish back and correct?
Workn ma bud out at scul nd gtn best results evr
Wht is da stupidest thing u hv eva done?
Ah let me thnk a.a dnt rmbr
Is it true you have a crush on themba
Haha very funny bt no me n hm r jst skul frnds baeang discusn moho
a u rily hot?
Dats 4u judge
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Dat am d8n ma ex again
Who are you dating currently
Am single
Describe yourself in 3 words?