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I really appreciate this. I haven't had anything nice on my qooh for a long time. Please dm, I'd love to be friends ?
Okay NO this has gone too far. You can talk sht about me, about my voice, about the way i act, what i believe but NOT MY BROTHER. You don't ever, ever say anything about him, do you understand? I swear if you said this to my face, I would have killed you. He's my life, it's always just been me and him since we were kids. You need to just fck off honestly. I've had it.
It's a long story. Please dm and I promise I'll tell you ?
If you aren't in my life anymore for a good reason than I'm good without you.
I'm not ashamed of being a woman. Periods aren't disgusting or something to be embarrassed about. Why should i have to hide it? Grow up
I believe that when a woman is on her period and isn't fasting, it shouldn't make her ashamed of herself. Why do females bend over backwards to hide the fact that they're not fasting? It's normal and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. When i'm not fasting, i don't pretend that i am. That just isn't me fam.
Most people think i fake my voice but i honestly don't. My voice has always been deep and I got bullied because of it right through primary school ? i don't care if you like it or if you don't. This is me and I'm not changing anything about myself for losers like you who are too afraid to say things to someone's face. s*ck my toes ?
I was born a hindu but I was a strong follower of deism for quite a few years before i converted. Deism is the belief in god but not religion. Thank you for your kind words ?? And uhm I'm 14 ?
Look manh. Y'all need to stop throwing shade at her ? stop bringing up old stories. It's the past. Me and firdous aren't that tight but at the end of the day, even i can imagine how sht it must be to have people constantly talk smack about you. She's a normal human being, why wouldn't I 'survive' being in the same class ? just drop your sht.
It's like a pillow, pillows give you comfort at night right? That's my baby bro. My favourite person in the world. My human, my fam ✊
Thank you ?? nah, sadly we broke up but we still hang out everyday. We're good friends
yeah she's in my class
thank you sweets ?
Snakes, parrots, dark chocolate, fajr vibes ? ermm i like mazes
I love you too whoever you are ?
Got it from my dad's side ?? It's actually pretty nca because it gets people like you too scared to give me a personal dm ?
You're such a sweetie ????? Thank you so much
Yes I'm a revert of Islam. No it wasn't easy at all tbh, i learnt my basic surahs for salaat Online, I learnt how to make wudhu etc all of that off the internet which was sht hard hey. But uhm I have a lot of muslims in my family who reached out to me and made my journey towards Islam a lot easier. If you are considering islam or you've recently converted yourself or even if you know someone who has please DM ❤ I would love to help anyone willing to adopt islam
Habibae ❤❤ i miss you too whoever you are ☺
Why are you so sweet ?❤?
Not be awkward and all uncomfortable ???
Really. Bad choice sweets ?
Ask @kiingkilah_ permission first
Dm me- lemme see who you are first and then maybe I'll give it to you ??
Who is this
Big as in size or what? ? If you're referring to my bodybuilding and that it isn't feminine to you than dm me personally. Let's talk.
Ate my food
He's my favourite cousin ?
I willllll
idk who it is but love you too.
He's a really sweet guy and he's funny too ?? would love to meet him in person ✊
I'm clearing my qooh ?? i miss you too
Just because I don't post it up doesn't mean I aint doin nothin. I had an injury ??
What i put on my parts has nothing to do with you bruv ?
American pastoral.
Maaf Uncle Yusuf ?
Soon Insha'Allah ?
Dankie Skat ❤
Thank you ?
My sweets
Ha deciding to meet some guy and wasting vaulable hours of my life with a loser ?
Take an anonymous person with me? Ofc babe
I don't really have much of an accent anymore. I have a deep voice but the tone of it was more pronounced when I first moved here. I'm starting to lose it tbh
East london why? ?
This has to be Hannah or mishka ?
Don't really have one but I guess Blue is okay
Uhm let's see...
Yasser ?
Idk if it were anyone it'd be my mother