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Ask me anything lel

1.5k Replies

Do you love you little sister and family

Of course, what kind of question is that

Shelbyyyyy replied 3005 days ago

What or who are you obsessed with right now?

how I met your mother, tis lyf

Shelbyyyyy replied 3005 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

Something bad happening to Mia, can't handle the thought of anything hurting her >.<

Shelbyyyyy replied 3014 days ago 1

What phone do you have?

iPhone 6s rose, it's so pretty

Shelbyyyyy replied 3014 days ago

What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?

Basically any rumor out there, I haven't been out of the house in like 2 years and only spoken to 3 people within then lel

Shelbyyyyy replied 3017 days ago

Y u so pretty for?

I not but fanks :3

Shelbyyyyy replied 3018 days ago

What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?

Material girls, a little immature, stupid and girly. Don't understand why I liked it when I was younger lol

Shelbyyyyy replied 3019 days ago

What piercings do you have?

Tongue, belly, nose, anti vertical labret and ears

Shelbyyyyy replied 3022 days ago

What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?

Wear a bra or my makeup

Shelbyyyyy replied 3023 days ago

What were you not prepared for?

Ugh idk

Shelbyyyyy replied 3026 days ago

don't you love how when you have a child it's the only thing people will ask about and you kinda lose something that makes you yourself. of course you love her, but is that all people are interested in anymore?

oh my god yes, this is so fcking true wow
Best thing I've read this year! Describes my life perfectly, I don't even feel like myself anymore, just something that's been put on display 24/7 :( life's so unfair, cbf
Who is this btw? Message me, I already love you

Shelbyyyyy replied 3027 days ago

How is your little bubba going

She's good thank you :)

Shelbyyyyy replied 3027 days ago

What would make your day?

If I had food and that 70's show

Shelbyyyyy replied 3029 days ago

Whats annoying you right now?

That I'm craving pancakes and don't have any lol :(

Shelbyyyyy replied 3032 days ago

Hehe yes its maddy

Ily see me soon x

Shelbyyyyy replied 3032 days ago