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That im crazy weird funny and possibly a ****? ive heard that from a few people
thanx? ha :)
i was never under myslf? ha
Like who? i don't flirt with any guys apart from Tom. As if i would. im perfectly happy with Tom and wouldn't change anything. So please don't go accussing me of stuff that i dont do. Thanks you Nicole :)
ewww yuck haha jks um seems pretty cool and funny and retarded (just like teagan haha)
im not saying she is an attention seeker, im just saying that SOME things she does comes across as attention seeking. im glad shes happy and past is the past so cool.
She's super nice and really pretty but i dont agree with all the statuses and the video she puts on facebook about cutting and bullying and stuff. Like yeah, it s*ckS to be bullied but i think she took it a bit far in some cases. Its kind of attention seeking and i think if shes THAT depressed then she should try something to prevent the bullying and talk to someone. And stop trying to be friends with people if they're just gonna turn around and **** you over. Sorry if this seems harsh but its my honest opinion...
No. Why would i?
Paige Luckman, Jye Mabilia, Eboni Nation, Eliza Harris, Tarnya Brauman, Kyle Sammut, Cameron Beaumont, Louise Parks. And others too but i really cannot be bothered typing all of them
I Am Legend when that dog died :3 and Titanic
tacos for sure
which one?
um i dont have much but maybe my guitars.
i know. and i feel bad about it BUT i did talk to her about me & him before we started dating and we sorted it out, so i thort she was as prepared as she could be although i do understand why shes annoyed at me and im just giving her space to sort out her emotions. i hope that me dating him is not a dealbreaker between her and my relationship
I think its because im dating Tom. She just stopped talking to me and hanging with me after i told her that we were dating and yeah, shi* happened. But i actually do miss having her as a friend, even if she hates my guts.
#yoloswag coz im fearless!
i had lots but the closest girls were Paige, Eboni, Eliza, Tarnya and the boys were Kai, Jye, Shaun and Kyle :) miss everyone so bad xx
aw thanx you :)
dont have it coz my ipod ran away..
i've been turned down but im not sure about being friendzoned. i don't think so.
nope. never ever. ever.
Casey, Ireland, Millie, Maddie Logie but deffinately not that teagan Bit**. ewwwww
shes an absolute slu*. i cant stand her. soooooo annoying like fuuuccckkk ;) hehe
yeah. i did do it. but flashing for drinks was a one time thing
i dont "follow" my friends. i make my own decisions. when i plan it, i take the blame. i took the blame for lots of shi* i didnt do so they wouldnt get in trouble aswell. i dont blame them for my f*** ups. so i dont make it look like i "follow" them coz i dont and i cant plan everything by myself so think bout that.
umm Cameron or Sam. i cant remember
friends are my family. family is my friends.
technically, that isnt a question
haha depends the food eg.pumpkin=yuck pumpkin soup= yummy
depends the situation
hes really nice but we are just friends
i love cake! but not cabbage..cabbage smells funny
i dont like anyone but there a couple of ppl i think that are pre damn cute