Shirdika Shadi
Snow White ;;)
And the seven dwarfs 8o
DO you have a boy friend
Do u have tatoos
Yeah I do
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
If I had one
Why are you so pretty? :')
The devil made me that way 8o
Do you have cute toes ???
Do you?
The 15cm story was scary kayy
If you had to chose a perfect length of a pencil, what would it be ?! =))
Bigger than your **** (:
U insecure Biatch .. Have to worry about other ppl and their happiness .. U ****ing retarded ***** .. I hope u get Whatu deserve
Shod bro x
So I wondered how would I phrase this question, to get you to figure out my identity, then I realised that maybe I shouldn't give you a clue, let's see if you pick it up... :D... So Guess Who...
JoJo :')
Now you don't know that its sumeshan =D
Oh wow, how brilliant =P ;;)
Is it true you have a **** ?! :p =D sumeshan.beast
Yes Sumeshan... thanks for asking the question anonymously, I had no idea it was you /:
How long did your last call last?
Almost half an hour /:
So is it true that ure actually a **** in disguise ?
No ****ing grammar whatsoever 8o