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My Mother
Average but tired
Your not to shabby :P dunno really dont know you that well sorry
Good old TED or 2
Few scc ppl
To spend time with my Nan for Christmas :) been so long but now im in Tassie im hoping i can spend the day with her <3
haha Idek lol.
idk, I dont really know her. but Andrew maybe im not to sure.
Yeahh i think he has a slight cruch on her haha.
Not to sure tbh.
Sorry. that question was answered by Walky he thinks she is the best out of them. haha
Chloe Wells
idk hahaha
she cooks some good grubb haha
Who wants to know?
sick now f*** off. coz im not replying haha eat a Dic* ya flog
who are you? tell me and ill tell you why.
f*** off
Or you could s*ck my Dic*. and still stays between me yeah. sound good
Do i have to tell you?
Country Bears haha.
Back to who?
Hahaha lol
I once watched my friend **** a goat.. Haha
Walky even tho his a CUN* Adam Holzheimer and Dyl Cambrey
We used to be close. She is a nice girl and great to talk to :)
Miley Cirus - We cant stop. And pretty much hilltop hoods
Tbh i wouldnt say i want her. i only met her the other day ive spoken to her like 5 times hahaha. but she is a nice chick
used to be close but yeah that didnt work out. nice, pretty and good to talk to.
a good motorbike
yeah just the half decent ones. but if its decent then i will own up to it haha
Who ever this is there was nothing going on between us...
Things werent working out.
Well lets just say some **** ****ing built it.
write this without being anon ya ****ing hero.rn
welll, she pretty cute, good to talk to and shes there for me when I need her hehe :)
nah man hahahahaha :p