What is your nickname?
Big **** Shrek.
f u c k w i t central
What? Please learn to spell and worship me before you come before me.
I have prayed every night and still you have not come to please yourself upon me, does this mean its all ogre? Please Shrek I pray, Shrek is love Shrek is life. SCBRYANT
You my friend, are a lovely person. I cannot make it all over the world. For I am no Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. I merely just wait for you to approach my swamp.
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
When they have a tight as*.
****ing prolapse my tight an**, shrek is drek jcdrizzle
I will penetrate your butthole once you worship Shrek.
Caleb you're a f u c k w i t
What is a f u c k w i t?
oh my god who is this?! celinaaa
This is Shrek.
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
I think it would most definitely be RustySeaDog, he is a bit of a turd. He doesn't like Shrek. Which is frowned upon.
Your swamp turns me on.
Good, you spread your as* cheeks for Shrek.
But I like your swamp.
That's great, but don't ask Shrek who he is.
Is it Caleb Webb?
I just told the last person. I am Shrek. Please, get out of my swamp.
Who is this anyways? :')
This is Shrek.
Of course! Shrek is love. Shrek is life. ;) I cannot decide, the votes are tied. It is Mr Ogden, Shrek. Make sure you don't do a "language vialation", or rustyseadog will be the one penetrating your ***hole. ;) lololololololo
I am indeed life. You must, before its all ogre. I can't tolerate any of his silly business. But he has nothing on me. Because I am life.
Oh my god I love you guys. :') lololololololo
Why thank-you. Do you have all my merchandise and movies? RustySeaDog, is merely just a joke. Please. Vote for Shrek.
You my friend should stop breathing my air. I own an ocean you own a f.bucking swamp. Get out of my water b.itch, you're love is nothing but a poke. I will endudure the meet mild experiences, then devorour you with the fury of 1000 suns. rustyseadog
Ocean? Swamps are hot and moist. Not cold and wet. I much prefer my habitat. My love is more that one can simply imagine. Please, dare to try to endure my green p****. You're size is extra small. Do you even exhale?
You are but one person. I have an entire species to rupture your fragile little an**. I will receive my pleasure and you will weep. You will never over take RustySeaDog. rustyseadog
What makes you think your entire species does not have all the merchandise and movies? My ***hole is all but fragile. I will never weep. You'll push against my horse and Ill roar a mighty roar. I will fill your entire species with my love.
I'll rustyseadog your ***hole. And show you the ways of true penetration. You are all but an amatuer, step back and let daddy take over. rustyseadog
No, you won't you weak donkey. Is it because I penetrated you so far? I'm Shrek, your RustySeaDog. You're an amateur. Hence your name. Please go back to the sea. Daddy's already here. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
Yours Sincerely.
- Shrek.
Small fish in a big pond little boi
You own a swamp I own your mum. rustyseadog
The only RustySeaDog I know is the one I shoved up your butthole. But too bad he was as green as I.
Shrek is love.
Shrek is life. If anyone thinks otherwise. Stop breathing my air and get Shreked.
I love you too. With all my swamp.
I pray to you every night Shrek! Zainybob
You better! Don't let your Dad hear you.
Why do I feel like this is Caleb?! -_- Emilyc
This is Shrek. Not Caleb. He pleases me.
Wtf, who even has time to make one of these pages? Haha aliza.courtney
Don't worry, its all ogre now.