Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Sense of humour, eyes and friendliness. Idk I've never been asked out/had a boyfriend
Lethal cutie who likes cats
Her hair's pretty cool cause it has really dark red streaks and I tell her its purple
Are you kidding? They are all amazing and I'm do happy it's going to be almost the same next year! Everyone is so beautiful and funny!
I speak cat fluently
I like Acapella, Everything has Changed and Best Song Ever
Don't really know her but she seems awesome. Super pretty and an amazing singer, her voice is so unique!
Hahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahah what r we laughing about?
Yeah. It's fun to stuff things up with destructive lava
You flipping whale rider
I'm a lady! Ladies DO NOT fart! Haha yes, who hasn't
No meaghan
She's really nice and a cool girl. What more could I say?
I can't stop
Amazing girl who I wish I could hang out with her more! I can't believe she can play the flute that well!
No she doesn't. Sorry!
Ok! I'm the link is www.hollyisaflippingspaz/ ???
Moo I'm a jellyfish
I'm pretty sure u r after that night with Daniel u told me about?
I'll pas*. I legit will eat vegemite and apple on toast though. I do actually eat that
Thanks! I haven't seen it in a while though. Would u mind cleaning under your bed now and then? I have allergies AAAAACHHHHOOOO!
I wore an odd pair to school, one was light dark blue and the other was dark dark blue #rebel #yolo #thuglife
Kevin. Duh
They are perfect for each other!
Happy tree friends? What's that? I CHOOSE ADVENTURE TIME!!
Obama duh
We were
Dark thoughts.
Well I'm sorry. People asked holly so I answered. Just cause you're not on it doesn't mean you're not pretty. Everyone is gorgeous in their own way holly. I was only allowed 5
Louise S, Natasha B, Meg S, Meaghan L and Daisy M
We r still close!
Thanks. Btw who are you? You seem like a really lovely person and I would just looooooove to meet you
Only if u don\'t tell him about me breaking a nail :P
Fudge nuggets and picked mousse pops
The dreaded Lousy
An amazing chick sometimes physically abuses me with her hands and teeth but other than that and her sudden urge to not cooperate in dance I love her so much :)