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Sierra Raine Watkin



432 Replies

It's your life I guess, but constant lying will only make situations worse. Listen to me or don't, but it's not too late to start being truthful. I'm not god or anything, but I can tell you're a good person who just has a few issues with trust.

Thank you. I\'ve got alot of work to do

SierraRaine replied 4353 days ago

those anons are right, you are se*y ;) hehehe connortwamley

Thanks xo

SierraRaine replied 4353 days ago 1

you are se*xxxxxxy

Oufff. It's my ankles isn't it ? ;)

SierraRaine replied 4354 days ago

lol Jesse's never taking you back


SierraRaine replied 4358 days ago

I think you are just perfect in every single way. Other people may be saying shi*. But I'll always think you're amazing.

Perfect is pushing it lol but thank you <3

SierraRaine replied 4360 days ago

you're not a wonderful person at all. I heard some rumours and you make me sick

What rumours? i would be happy to tell you which are true and which are not. And i may not have been a good person a few months ago.. but you would be surprised at how much ive changed in that short period of time. I lost someone who meant the world to me. literally. i don't know if ill ever get him back, but i do know.. that he has faith in me again and he can see my changes. I also have someone in my life who gives me motivation to be a better person everyday, and who also has faith in me. Thank you for your opinion tho.

SierraRaine replied 4361 days ago

i miss you :'( a lot..... but you're beautiful xo courtneylynn

Thanks court! Looooovee/misssssssssss you more<3

SierraRaine replied 4361 days ago

you're so pretty :D you should smile more often

Oh.. thanks :) haha ill try!

SierraRaine replied 4361 days ago

You single?

I am single

SierraRaine replied 4361 days ago

stop trying to get back with jesse!!!! its not gonna happen kiddo, he hates you, now stop texting hiom obsesively!

LOL What are you? His new Bit**? And kiddo honestly? Guarantee I could beat the shi* out of you easily. Gtfo, you\'re a joke.

SierraRaine replied 4385 days ago

you are such a wonderful girl and people should really notice it more often. to all the people calling her dirty and what not... you should stop.people make mistakes and i know sierra is a good person despite the choices she's made.

Thankss :$$ <3 i know i f***ed up lol

SierraRaine replied 4401 days ago

whats gross is the fact that you'll f*** anything with legs and a p**** babe

LOL because you know about my se* life right? You know how many people i've had se* with right? Well ill tell you, i've only EVER had se* with two people, My Ex boyfriend Anthony and Jesse. Don't believe me? go ask them. LOL you're a joke. Tryin make me feel bad about myself? try harder Bit**<3333

SierraRaine replied 4401 days ago

your bootiful<3 - courttt xo

Thanks love' <3

SierraRaine replied 4401 days ago

lol jesses moved on from you, he realized what a dirty ***** you were

I know lol You think i don't know this? And no, he didn't realize .. lol i told him the truth.

SierraRaine replied 4401 days ago

everytime i see you i throw up in my mouth

LOL alright? Is that supposed to make me feel bad about myself? Sorry, can't help the way i look :) Don't like me? Don't look at me! Easy as that!

SierraRaine replied 4401 days ago