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Simelele Ndlovu


I bite! ;-) but u can ask me anything... || || || v v

142 Replies

Du u blve in young love?

N0t really. But i still thnk h0nesty is the best p0licy.

Simeh... replied 4348 days ago

Name 3 people you value so much in your life ?

My dad, myself & my m0m. :)

Simeh... replied 4349 days ago

how would you respond if i were to ask you to marry me?

W0o0o0oahw... Id tel u im waaaaay t0o yung f0r that hey..

Simeh... replied 4349 days ago


Ekhaya. ;)

Simeh... replied 4349 days ago

Hahaha uyivusaphi

Lol. Sum dudes twitter.

Simeh... replied 4349 days ago

hey Fidz.t


Simeh... replied 4349 days ago

I heard u f***ed ur girl is it true kwandile.mlawe

Lol. W0w.. I have a gurl? Me? Lesbian0? U cant be seri0us.

Simeh... replied 4349 days ago 1

Ever chited in a test?

Imbuzi yaydalelwe uk'hlinzwa

Simeh... replied 4634 days ago

Jeans or skirts or dresses?

Dressez... Sh0rt dressez mawngenalo upete

Simeh... replied 4634 days ago

Hw a u related 2 andile khumalo?

Hahahaha, uxakwe yin wena? Uz0kwenzan ngal0kho?

Simeh... replied 4634 days ago

Y do u ignore me in da inbox

U pr0bably inb0xd me sumthn i cnt rel8 to

Simeh... replied 4634 days ago

Ur life is n0t c0mplete wit0ut....? Maine

U... Hahaha js kiddin mayyn! Ths is a t0ugh q.. I cnt live wthawt m0ney.. I thnk (0_o)

Simeh... replied 4650 days ago

Do u mke frndz in a bus,taxi or train? Maine

Yeah, its quite weird wen afta small tawk a chick asks f0r my 10'z or asks to add me on f.b.... Its lyk "ehr..ow,owk"... N then aftr that they xpect to 'devel0p' a str0ng fwndshp wif me (0_o) shuth ngyathandeka

Simeh... replied 4651 days ago

Name 3 of ur best Lil Wayne tracks

3> EHR... Ai therz jus 2 many left...

Simeh... replied 4652 days ago

Do u have an olda sista?

F0r tha hundred and 88 milli0nth tym----> i have ZERO! siblingz... ZERO,ZILCH,NADA,LUTHO, AYKH0NA LO SISI!

Simeh... replied 4654 days ago