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I don't think about Trevor
Tell me who you are and I'll tell you if I feel the same ??
I like the older cartoons like Kim Possible
Ok then enjoy your 9gaging
Don't even know what that is?? what is it?
Turning 16
Harambes death?
Please?I could save Harambe and stop Hitler at the same time. I'm just that awesome ??
No ??
Probs did something wrong in a previous life ??
That's because I'm loveable
Buy everything my parents want, take my family on a holiday, travel the world after school
Shae and Branden
Dazmin and Lachie
She's going to hate me for this but....
Laura and Josh
He is actually the nicest guy I know. He's smart, kind, funny and I can trust him with anything. I love him so much ☺️☺️