you're obviously here to ask me questions :D no? okay...

83 Replies

Send a pic of ur ***** I wanna **** it now

LOL sorry little boy this isn't a p*rn site! Good luck finding a lady that will love ya someday though! Gonna need it :')

SineadVenichia replied 4141 days ago

Describe ur personality and the type of person you are

Uhhh... This is a tough one .-. Otay! Well I'm a pretty complicated type of person. See, when meeting someone new I'm really quiet and shy. Once I warm up to people, I can be bit too much for some! I never speak if not spoken to but once you talk to me, it's like I can't stop! Ehhh... I get annoyed with people who aren't open minded as I am a very open minded person. I don't like judgmental people or people who are vain. I think equality is important because no one is better than the next. I'm a very deep person. Small talk just doesn't work for me. I like getting to know people on an emotional level. I like connecting with people. :) I really like winning and that's my flaw. Though I would NEVER hurt people to get to the top. I'm a fair person but a tough fighter at that! LOL dunno what else though sooo hoping that gave you a bit more insight on who I am :P

SineadVenichia replied 4146 days ago

SINSTER!! I miss you! When are you comin' back to Dublin? LOVE YA Lepre!!!

Guessing this is Jer LOL!!! Love ya too bro <3

SineadVenichia replied 4146 days ago

You're weird as ****!

YUP!!! I'm weird all over .-.

SineadVenichia replied 4146 days ago

whoever's tryna cause **** with you should **** off! LOVE YOU SIN!!


SineadVenichia replied 4146 days ago

Best advice you received about relationships?

Muhahaha! EXPERIENCE! No one can give you "advice" on relationships. You learn by experience.

SineadVenichia replied 4146 days ago

SinSin! It's Milly! I read something that reminded me of you and Arnie .. "His ex-girlfriend told him he'll never find anyone better than her, smarter than her and prettier than her! He obviously proved that ***** wrong"

Hahaha poor ex .-. But grazie mille Milly <3

SineadVenichia replied 4149 days ago

Do you like Arne's ex?

As a matter of fact, yes I do. Now could whoever you are just keep your nose where it belongs? On your face and out of my business? Don't try to start **** cause this is childish and I will not have part in it.

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

Is it true that Shana-lee faked you on facebook?

I dunno who the fake was but even so, the fake is off facebook now, hopefully not coming back and that's all that matters.

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

I like envy you! You're so tiny and petite and pretty and talented! I wish I could sing and dance and just be like you! Why Sinny? Why can't I be you?

Well, there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from others and having a role model or whatever! But I think you're amazing just the way you are and you should learn to accept yourself instead of wishing you were others <3 Much love puppet!

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

Tip off .... Shana is stalking you haha! It's pathetic but she admitted it to me !

Oh did she now? And who might you be?

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

Why do people hate you so much?
I'll tell you why! Becuz you are thee world's most beautiful little ginger ever!

Well... idk about that but thank you sooo much! Your sweet compliment is much appreciated anon :)

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

Hey gorgeous! Just wanna say that I absolutely adore you and you are so so pretty!

Teeehehe! Oh stahp it yooouuu ;) hehe! Thanks sooo much <3

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

Do you think you and Arné will always be together?

Always is an understatement sweetie pie :P Arné and I will be together for eternity! There's just no doubt about that!

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago

What happens when we die?

Hopefully nothing .-. Otherwise the whole Zombie Apocalypse thing might be real!

SineadVenichia replied 4150 days ago