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Ask me anything!

74 Replies

Does nick walker have Facebook ?


Sir.Spamalot replied 4293 days ago

Which animals represents you the closest?

an awkward penguin

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago

Do you know any tricks?

be more specific

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago

Is the cup half empty or half full?

it depends of witch state the glas* was in before was it empty and some one put water in it only to half or was there water in it to start with and someone removed it to make it at half... its hard to explan...

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 1

What is the one thing in the world that makes you cry?

pffft nothing men dont cry.... besides the stuff that makes me cry

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 3

How would your best friend describe you?


Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 2

What do you find the most attractive in the opposite se*

their eyes

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago

How would you like to spend a Saturday morning?

waking up next to the one I Love

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 3 1

What would you like to change about yourself?


Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 3

Which is the best book you have read so far?

im stuck between hungergames and pendragon

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 1

What according to you is your most prized possession?


Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 1

Can you define love in your own way?

Love is an emotion or a group of emotions one feels for another and said emotions are very strong and can make you give up a lot just so you can be around the one you love. you might want to kill said person but you cant because you cant live without them. you loved one might have flaws or isn't perfect to others but if you love them every thing about them is beautiful and in your eyes they have no flaws what so ever if you love them they would mean the world to you and you would do anything for them no matter what append to you, you would risk your own live for them if needed to that is what I think Love is like in my own words PS I'm half asleep if it doesn't make sense .

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 1

If you were given an entire day off with your date, how would you spend your time?

go for a long walk get home make a nice dinner and spend the rest of the night cuddling until we fall asleep

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 3

What is the one thing you love about yourself?

My ability to not give up without giving it my all first

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1 Mercedes to be happy and never be hurt by anyone
2 Money
3 a long happy life

Sir.Spamalot replied 4295 days ago 1